Peer Learning Event: Developing and strengthening MEL systems in NAP processes 

Ha Long, Viet Nam | September 10 to 12, 2024

The NAP Global Network and the Government of Vietnam co-organized a 3-day regional peer learning event for Asian-Pacific countries from September 10 to 12 in Ha Long City, Vietnam, on monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems for national adaptation plan (NAP) processes.  

Representatives from Vietnam (host), Bhutan, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Tonga, and Timor Leste exchanged experiences about designing and implementing MEL systems for NAP processes and exploring opportunities to strengthen their effectiveness in driving evidence-based climate change adaptation. 

The workshop objectives were to

  • develop a shared understanding of the conceptual framing of MEL for NAP processes; 
  • foster learning about critical aspects, such as progress reporting, monitoring, and data governance of MEL systems for NAP processes; and 
  • co-design a peer learning cohort to meet their needs for capacity building on MEL over the next 3 years. 

The presentations and photos from this forum are available below. Read our joint press release with the Government of Vietnam for more information. 

The NAP Global Network organized this peer learning event through funding from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.

Photo Gallery

Peer Learning Event | Ha Long city, Viet Nam

Day 1 | September 10

Introduction to MEL for NAP processes: Key concepts | Emilie Beauchamp, Lead on MEL, NAP Global Network/IISD


The Role of Enabling Factors in MEL for NAP Processes | Patrick Guerdat, Policy Advisor, NAP GN/IISD

Day 2 | September 11

Monitoring in NAP processes | Shafaq Masud, Policy Advisor, NAP GN/IISD


Viet Nam's M&E System for Adapting to Climate Change | Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Nga, Head of Adaptation Division, Department of Climate Change, Viet Nam


NAP Progress Reporting | Patrick Guerdat, Policy Advisor, NAP GN/IISD


Tonga's NAP Process and M&E | Gatton Tonga, JNAP Secretariat M&E Officer, Department of Climate Change, Tonga

Day 3 | September 12

The People’s Committee of Dong Rui Commune and the Department of Climate Change of Vietnam discussed the implementation of adaptation measures set on their NAP, such as planting mangroves alongside 2,800 hectares in Dong Rui town. Day 3 ended with each country identifying concrete next steps and sharing these actions with the group on a participatory timeline. 

Resources on MEL systems for NAP processes
