Peer Learning Forum: Alignment of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

San Pedro Town, Belize | August 12 - August 14, 2024

The NAP Global Network and the Government of Belize co-organized a 3-day global peer learning forum from August 12 to 14 at the Grand Caribe Resort in San Pedro Town, Belize, to share experiences in strengthening the alignment between national adaptation plans (NAPs) and nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

The NAP Global Network provided technical and financial support for the workshop through funding from the Global Affairs Canada.

Representatives from Belize, Benin, Burundi, Fiji, Haiti, Grenada, Madagascar, Nepal, South Sudan, and Suriname discussed how the NAP process can enhance the quality of adaptation information in NDC updates and better incorporate gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) considerations.

The workshop objectives were to

  • enhance overall understanding of the relationship between the NAP and the adaptation components of the NDC  as well as opportunities and benefits of linking related adaptation planning processes;  
  • promote dialogue, and exchange on experiences and lessons learned between country representatives who lead processes to develop and update NAPs and NDCs;
  • identify and map entry points for NDC-NAP alignment in policymaking and planning, including the integration of gender equality and social inclusion considerations; and 
  • explore how the NAP process enhance the quality of adaptation information and priorities communicated via the upcoming update of the NDCs.

The presentations and photos from this forum are available below. For more information, read our joint press release with the Government of Belize or media coverage from Channel 5, Breaking News Belize, and Love FM.  

Photo Gallery

Peer Learning Forum | San Pedro Town, Belize

Day 1 | August 12

Intro to the National Adaptation Plan Global Network | Anika Terton, Senior Policy Advisor, NAP Global Network/IISD 


How Can the NAP Process and NDC Be Aligned? | Anika Terton, Senior Policy Advisor, NAP Global Network/IISD 


NAP-NDC Alignment and Why It Matters | Deborah Murphy, Senior Associate, NAP Global Network/IISD 



Day 2 | August 13

UNDP Climate Promise and Adaptation Planning | Montserrat Xilotl, Regional Technical Advisor in Climate Change Adaptation, UNDP   


Introduction to the NDC Partnership | Dr. Sarah Hertel, NDC Enhancement Knowledge Specialist, Knowledge & Learning, NDC-Partnership 


Enhancing Alignment between Belize’s NAP and NDC processes | Johanna Noble,  Adaptation Officer, National Climate Change Office, Government of Belize   



Day 3 | August 14

The workshop participants engaged in various interactive activities to further explore the challenges, opportunities, and entry points around NAP-NDC alignment. Day 3 ended with each country identifying concrete next steps and sharing these actions with the group on a participatory timeline.

Resources on NAP-NDC Alignment 

