
Our world-class research and experts are often featured in media across the globe.

See below to see the latest media releases from NAP Global Network and features in media.

District Climate Vulnerability Assessments begins across Ghana

A district-specific climate change vulnerability assessments programme has been initiated across Ghana as part of Ghana’s National Adaptation Planning (NAP) programme. The initiative which is funded by the NAP Global Network and the International Institute of Sustainable Development is currently underway in some selected districts with a view to cover all districts in the very near future.

Preparing Financing Strategies for Climate Adaptation: Emerging Good Practices

New research has shed light on ways to scale up investment in climate adaptation strategies in line with economic development priorities of developing countries.

These strategies were prepared by developing countries or for them by other organizations, such as multilateral development banks, United Nations specialized agencies, and technical partners like the NDC Partnership and the NAP Global Network, whose secretariat is hosted by IISD.

Ireland’s 2021 greenhouse gas emissions were 4.7% higher than 2020

Ireland’s 3.5 million euro funding package aimed at assisting the least developed countries consists of two elements, including one million euro to the National Adaptation Plan Global Network to support national-level adaptation in developing countries.

The other contributed 2.5 million euro to the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), to support adaptation activities in some of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries.

‘Gender focus critical to climate resilience’ – Samuda

“Climate change has a greater impact on those sections of the population that are more reliant on natural resources for their livelihoods, and/or who have the least capacity to respond to natural hazards,” said Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator Matthew Samuda, speaking Tuesday at the Peer Learning Summit.

The summit was co-hosted by the Government of Jamaica and the National Adaptation Plan Global Network under the theme, ‘Gender-Responsive National Adaptation’ at the Iberostar in Montego Bay.

Women Most Impacted by Climate Change – Senator Samuda

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, says women are among those most impacted by the fallout from disasters caused by climate change. The Minister was addressing the opening ceremony of the ‘Peer Learning Summit: Gender-Responsive National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes’, which was held at the Iberostar Resort in Montego Bay, St. James, on Tuesday (July 26).

Co-hosted by the NAP Global Network and the Government, with funding from Global Affairs Canada, the Peer Learning Summit aims to strengthen the NAP processes in these countries by sharing knowledge on gender-responsive approaches.

Guidelines for the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation System

On July 7, in Hanoi, the Department of Climate Change (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) in collaboration with the National Planning Network for Global Climate Change (NGN) held a Workshop on “Training on the use of manuals for the implementation of the national monitoring and evaluation system of climate change adaptation activities”. Attending were representatives of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of 24 provinces and cities in the North and a number of ministries and branches.

Vulgarisation du PNA dans l’Atacora

Au Bénin, le Plan National d’Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques est disponible depuis 2015. Ce plan fait l’objet d’atelier de vulgarisation dans les douze départements du Bénin par la Direction Générale de l’Environnement et du Climat. La ville de Natitingou a abrité cet atelier le jeudi 23 juin 2022 pour le compte du département de l’Atacora.

Maasai women using cameras to tackle climate crisis

Armed with a digital camera and desire for involvement, they document changes in weather patterns and their effects on livelihoods in their counties. In most cases, women in marginalised communities rarely feature in climate policy discussions even as they experience the heaviest hit of this phenomenon. It is in the realisation that Lensational has partnered with other NGOs like National Adaptation Plan Global Network (NAP) and Global Affairs Canada and policymakers from Kenya to seal the gap in women’s representation.

Climate Finance Unit Engages the NAP Global Network’s Country Support Hub as New Funding Agency

As the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) National Designated Authority for Belize, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Climate Finance Unit has engaged the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network – an initiative hosted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) with funding provided by Irish Aid.

The NAP Global Network’s Country Support Hub provides up to US$30,000 in technical assistance under a window to respond to requests focused on monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) for national adaptation plans.