Country Support Hub

Expert advice and targeted short-term technical assistance for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process

NAP Global Network members from developing countries can submit Country Support Hub requests for free expert advice and short-term targeted technical support to advance the development and implementation of their NAP processes. For more information on our long-term technical assistance, check out our in-country support programs.


Submit a Request

The Country Support Hub (CSH) offers two kinds of short-term support:

  • Targeted in-country technical support

    Targeted in-country technical support that addresses a specific short-term gap inhibiting momentum in the NAP process or its implementation. Examples include the development of a NAP framework, financing strategy, communication strategy, gender analysis, M&E indicators.

  • Expert advice

    Expert advice from a member of the Network Secretariat or our growing roster of experts from around the world in response to questions about the NAP process and its implementation or access to available information and resources. This advice would be provided from a distance.

    Questions? Browse our Country Support Hub Frequently Asked Questions for more information on what type of support the NAP Global Network can offer, who can make a request, how many requests a country can make, and more.



    Jan 2017 Aug 2017

    To provide technical assistance and support stakeholder involvement in the development of a framework for climate change adaptation integration into each of the pilot ministries (Agriculture, Interior, Environment, and Urban Development).

    Seven budget programs were elaborated to include climate change adaptation. More info is available on how Albania is integrating climate change adaptation into the medium-term budget here. See a sNAPshot on the country’s approach to integrating adaptation into domestic budgeting. Read this blog post that details the lessons learned throughout Albania’s adaptation process.


    Sep 2017 May 2018

    To develop project design guidelines that include adaptation-related criteria and indicators to inform and climate-proof the selection process of future projects.

    Guidance for the integration of climate change adaptation considerations into the project-screening, selection, and monitoring processes under Albania’s existing Regional Development Fund.


    Mar 2019 Oct 2019

    To create a strategy for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism that mobilizes funds to support municipalities’ identification and implementation of local climate change adaptation measures.

    A funding concept note that aimed to enable the implementation of Albania’s NAP Action 12, which builds capacity in municipalities for implementing local climate change adaptation measures. Albania’s Ministry of Environment and Tourism now has the following tools: a) screening of the potential funds available for smart and resilient cities; b) selection of the funds that will be targeted; and c) the funding concept note, which can be adapted into proposals for the targeted funds. Read this blog post to see how Albania has strategized the funding for adaptation in cities.


    Jun 2021 Dec 2021

    To raise awareness of the Albanian National Adaptation Plan by organizing a national workshop and by developing and disseminating communication products.

    Albania submitted its NAP to the UNFCCC on October 27, 2021. In the lead-up to COP26, the Albanian government launched a set of communications products to raise awareness of and promote Albania’s NAP, including a short-length documentary showcasing the progress of adaptation actions.

  • Evaluation of the implementation of Albania's NAP document

    Feb 2022 Sep 2023

    To develop a progress report assessing the implementation of Albania’s NAP, enhancing the visibility of the NAP process at the national and subnational levels and identifying the factors enabling or posing barriers to the implementation of priority measures.

    Delivered the first-ever progress report evaluating Albania’s NAP implementation, offering insights and recommendations for future improvements. The process included developing a work plan, creating a methodology based on best practices, collecting and analyzing data, and conducting awareness-raising workshops at the regional level.

Flag of Antigua and Barbuda



    Jun 2021 Dec 2021

    To support the preparation of the country’s AdCom. The AdCom aims to enhance the visibility and profile of adaptation in Antigua and Barbuda, provide input to the synthesis reporting for the Global Stocktake, strengthen adaptation action and support, and enhance the understanding of adaptation needs and actions.


    Antigua and Barbuda’s AdCom was submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on June 29, 2022.

    The AdCom drew on the results of three stakeholder consultations and a validation workshop. It captures information on the key climatic drivers and their impacts on the country; national adaptation responses (both planned and ongoing); the adaptation framework in which these responses are situated; and the needs and challenges to be addressed.


  • Vulnerability and livelihoods assessment of two coastal communities

    Mar 2022 Apr 2023

    To conduct a vulnerability and livelihood assessment of Placencia Village and Caye Caulker communities in the coastal zones and fisheries sectors, aiming at informing the country’s forthcoming sectoral NAP and providing baseline information for monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems.

    Assessments were completed. The research found a need for livelihood diversification, improved access to microfinance and social security, equitable and affordable insurance products to protect fishing and tourism sectors, in addition to developing small and medium-sized enterprises support programs and other eco-friendly productive activities.



    Oct 2018 Dec 2019

    To identify key steps to integrate gender issues into the NAP process.

    The publication of an Analysis of Gender Issues and the NAP Process in Benin (available only in French), which provides an analysis of the gender implications for the NAP process and identifies key steps to integrate gender considerations into the NAP process as it moves forward.


    Aug 2021 Jul 2022

    To support the preparation of the AdCom. 

    Benin’s AdCom was submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on December 15, 2022. The AdCom aims to raise the profile of the country’s adaptation needs and inform the synthesis reporting for the Global Stocktake.

  • LAUNCH OF THE National Adaptation Plan (NAP) DOCUMENT

    Aug 2021 Mar 2022

    To support the dissemination of the NAP document, including assistance in organizing a series of workshops at national and regional levels and the production of a short-length documentary portraying adaptation efforts and achievements in Benin.

    On March 15, 2022, a national workshop to popularize the NAP document was held in Cotonou. Three regional workshops were also hosted in Parakou, Bohicon, and Grand-Popo.

    The NAP document was submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on July 8, 2022.

    To support public engagement on the NAP, the documentary On the Road of Resilience in Benin was developed to highlight the local consequences of climate change in Benin. The documentary premiered on March 1, 2022, and was broadcast on national television stations.

  • Monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) capacity-building workshops and development of National Adaptation Plan (NAP) indicator sheets

    Nov 2022 Apr 2023

    To develop NAP indicator monitoring sheets demonstrating how gender and social inclusion issues should be considered to align them with the country’s NAP guiding principles, as well as supporting the organization of capacity-building sessions on MEL.

    To develop NAP indicator monitoring sheets demonstrating how gender and social inclusion issues should be considered to align them with the country’s NAP guiding principles, as well as supporting the organization of capacity-building sessions on MEL.



    Sep 2016 Apr 2017

    To develop a virtual roadmap for Botswana’s NAP.

    A two-day training workshop on climate change adaptation and the NAP process in which a range of audiences participated, such as climate scientists, policymakers, NGOs, students, the media, government officials, and the general public. This support guided stakeholders to develop a virtual road map for Botswana to use to prepare its NAP.


    Aug 2019 Jun 2020

    To develop a NAP Framework document that will guide Botswana in developing and implementing the policies, plans, and legislation that will help the country to address its medium- and long-term adaptation needs. 

    The publication of a NAP Framework for Botswana, which articulates Botswana’s vision of climate change adaptation, adaptation objectives, and guiding principles. See a final blog post with lessons learned from the process.



    Jun 2018 Aug 2019

    To establish a strategy for Brazil’s Ministry of Environment to interpret and communicate all the information collected through the achievements of the ABC Plan (“Plano ABC”).

    The publication of an ABC Plan analysis report and graphics, which provided an analysis of the implementation of Plano ABC since 2010 and the development of key messages about the results. The report supports awareness-raising among the general public while building the case for Plano ABC’s continued support. 


    Jan 2020 Sep 2020

    To conduct an analysis of adaptation activities that contributed to the increased resilience of the soybean crop system by evaluating productivity data with weather and climate information, and various technological, political, economic and social aspects over a 50-year period.

    Farmer working on soybean plantation. Three progress and learning reports on the effectiveness of adaptation policies for soybean production in Brazil. The reports’ findings were used for the improvement of the country’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system of adaptation actions, as well as to enhance the policies set out by Plano ABC, which is an integral part of the adaptation strategy for the agricultural sector elaborated in the NAP.

  • Indicators of the conceptual framework for assessing strategies for adaptation of agricultural systems

    Jan 2022 May 2023

    To define indicators for completing the conceptual framework for assessment strategies of the adaptation project “Agricultural Systems to Climate Change.” Also, to disseminate the conceptual framework among stakeholders involved in applying it across six agricultural production chains

    A set of 32 indicators for the conceptual framework were identified and refined. In addition, a series of webinars were held to disseminate the framework among stakeholders of six agricultural production chains: beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and goat breeding in semiarid regions, corn, sugar cane, and coffee. Check out this blog post to learn more.







Flag of Burkina Faso


  • Training on the M&E for the NAP and Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Processes

    Apr 2020 Sep 2022

    To strengthen the participants’ knowledge of both the M&E of the NAP process in the context of Burkina Faso, and the NAP process and its links to the NDCs.

    A training manual and a capacity-building session that strengthened the capacities of key players in the implementation of MEL systems through an overview of the NDC and the NAP process, roles and responsibilities of actors in the operationalization, and existing gaps and next steps.


    Jul 2021 Feb 2022

    To support the preparation of the country’s first AdCom. 

    This AdCom aims to enhance the profile of Burkina Faso’s adaptation progress to the UNFCCC, while also articulating support needs and priorities. The country’s NAP progress report, which evaluated the implementation of adaptation actions through the country’s NAP, was used to inform the AdCom. 

    Burkina Faso’s AdCom was submitted to the UNFCCC on February 16, 2022. 

    The development of the AdCom, including workshops and validation processes, allowed the Government of Burkina Faso to: 

    • Better inform national actors of the importance of adaptation for the country’s development. 

    • Strengthen technical capacities. 

    • Raise the profile and visibility of adaptation efforts both nationally and internationally.

  • National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Progress Report

    Mar 2021 Jun 2021

    To support the preparation of Burkina Faso’s NAP Progress Report covering the period 20152020, which aims to increase the visibility of the NAP process, understand the enabling factors and barriers to the implementation of priority actions, and improve the quality of the process and the expected results in the future.

    The development of the Progress Report through a participatory process with actors in sectors involved in the NAP process. 


  • Technical analysis for an adaptation monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) system in Cameroon

    Aug 2022 Sep 2023

    To strengthen Cameroon’s NAP process by laying the foundation for developing a robust MEL system and building stakeholder capacity in MEL practices.

    Delivered a robust technical analysis of a tailored MEL system for Cameroon’s NAP process, including a summary document and detailed reports from the inception and validation workshops, a final approved technical analysis incorporating stakeholder feedback, and a capacity-building session report.

Flag of Central African Republic



    Oct 2021 Apr 2022

    To conduct an institutional and political analysis on the links between gender issues and climate change impacts aiming to mainstream in-depth gender considerations into CAR’s NAP, enhancing its effectiveness.

    The publication of the report For a Gender-responsive NAP Process in the Central African Republic (available in French only), which was grounded on document and literature review, as well as on stakeholders’ consultations.


    Aug 2021 Jan 2022

    To develop communication products to raise awareness of the Central African Republic’s NAP process, as well to organize a national workshop to launch the NAP document.

    A launch workshop to promote CAR’s NAP was held in Lobaye on January 21, 2022. Posters showcasing the plan’s priority sectors were created, and two videos, including a TV ad, were produced. In this blog post, learn more about the “Great March for Climate” that took place in October 2021.

    CAR submitted its NAP to the UNFCCC on February 16, 2022.

  • High-level dialogue on adaptation

    Dec 2022 Mar 2023

    To support the organization of a high-level dialogue event on adaptation addressing three themes related to the country’s NAP process—conflict and peacebuilding, financing, and sectoral integration. This request also aimed to develop communications products to raise awareness of the NAP process.

    The high-level dialogue was held in Bangui on February 15, 2023. During the event, the communications products developed to promote the NAP process were shared—including and signs showing various key messages about climate change and adaptation. A rally on Bangui’s streets on February 14, 2023, introduced some of these products to the local citizens. Check out this news item to learn more.

  • Gender and climate change strategy

    Sep 2022 Oct 2023

    To develop a gender and climate change strategy for the Central African Republic (CAR) that will guide the integration of gender considerations into climate actions.

    Conducted several workshops and interviews to define the vision, priorities, and action plan for integrating gender into CAR’s climate action plan. The participatory approach used helped identify 112 actions, including 31 considered high priority. A synthesis of the strategy has been developed in English and French.



    Feb 2021 Jan 2022

    To map out stakeholders dedicated to gender equality in Chad at national and regional levels, integrating them into the country's NAP process and gathering information and recommendations on the linkages between gender equality and adaptation to climate change. 

    The publication of a gender analysis report in Chad (available in French only) which provides a detailed understanding of stakeholders' knowledge, attitudes and behaviour regarding gender equality and climate action. Read this blog post to find out more about the analysis’ key findings. 


  • Strengthening project development capacities for adaptation finance access

    Aug 2023 Jun 2024

    To support capacity building for adaptation project development for the implementation of the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC).

    An in-depth analysis of the Climate Finance Broker Facility, conducted for the National Planning Department (DNP), identified opportunities to enhance climate change adaptation strategies and access to finance. Additionally, an in-person training session was conducted to equip stakeholders with the knowledge needed to strengthen adaptation elements within the Climate Finance Brokering Facility.

Flag of Costa Rica


  • Atlas of Climate Risks

    Mar 2021 Jun 2021

    To facilitate the visualization of climate risk data in a digestible way for different audiences, drawing on information from the platform of the National System of Climate Change Metrics (SINAMECC in Spanish).

    Map of climate risks in Costa RicaPublication of Costa Rica's Atlas of Climate Risks, a visually compelling platform accessible to general audiences aiming to evaluate how Costa Rica is building resilience and strengthening adaptation capacities at the regional level over time. The atlas will be updated periodically to assess whether the level of climate risk is reduced, being an input directly linked to the country's monitoring and evaluation (M&E) processes.

Flag of DRC



    Aug 2021 Mar 2022

    To summarize the preliminary NAP document, developing a French and English factsheet, to organize a workshop to raise awareness of the country’s adaptation efforts at regional and national levels, and to produce a short-length documentary showcasing the progress of DRC NAP process.

    The bilingual factsheet outlining DRC’s climate vulnerabilities and adaptation priorities was launched during the NAP awareness workshop held in Kinshasa on October 25, 2021. In addition, a documentary was produced describing the climate risks and vulnerabilities in five provinces and highlighting how the NAP process can address them.

  • Coordination of the popularization of the PNA through the cultural and creative industries

    Nov 2023 Jun 2024

    To raise awareness of the DRC’s NAP—making its adaptation priorities more accessible and understandablefor a broad audience, including Indigenous Peoples, local communities, children, non-governmental organizations, and both the private and public sectors.

    The creation of simplified awareness materials in partnership with creators from the cultural and creative industries.  

    Materials include an awareness video and brochures, both produced in French and the country’s four national languages (Lingala, Swahili, Tshiluba, and Kikongo).

Flag of Dominican Republic



    Jun 2021 Apr 2022

    To strengthen the capacities of gender focal points across the government aiming to disseminate knowledge and good practices on mainstreaming gender equity consideration into adaptation actions across different ministries.

    Group Photo - Dominican Republic Gender WorshopA two-day workshop was held in Santo Domingo bringing together 30 representatives from public institutions who were trained in the intersections of gender and adaptation to climate change. This news brief details how the event played out.

  • Development of a methodological guide for integrating climate change adaptation into Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes

    Jul 2023 Apr 2024

    To establish guidelines for evaluating environmental impacts and managing risks related to climate change in EIA processes.

    Strengthened the regulatory instrument Resolution 02-2014 with a new methodological guide. Identified and incorporated adaptation criteria into the EIA process, established guidelines for including these criteria in EIAs, and created a protocol for reviewing and evaluating these studies to enhance decision-making tools for managing climate change impacts.


  • Support for inter-institutional coordination for losses and damages in the context of the NAP process

    Jan 2023 Sep 2023

    To enhance inter-institutional coordination in Ecuador for losses and damages in the context of the NAP process.

    This support focused on strengthening inter-institutional coordination between Ecuador’s Undersecretariat for Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition and the Secretariat for Risk Management of Ecuador. 

    A report produced defines legal responsibilities, boundaries, and potential areas for coordination between disaster-risk management and climate change adaptation to improve institutional coordination of losses and damages for Ecuadors NAP.



    Jun 2021 Nov 2021

    To support the preparation of the country’s first AdCom ahead of COP26. This AdCom will enhance the visibility and profile of adaptation in Eswatini, inform synthesis reporting for the Global Stocktake, strengthen adaptation action and support, and enhance the understanding of national adaptation priorities.

     Eswatini’s AdCom was submitted to the UNFCCC on November 1st, 2021, ahead of COP26.

    The AdCom process helped the Government of Eswatini strengthen its adaptation thinking and negotiation position through stakeholder consultations and validation workshops. It will also feed into the Global Stocktake. Read this blog post to find out the lessons learned by Eswatini in its pathway to the AdCom.


  • Strategy Document to Guide the Integration of Gender Considerations in the GCF-NAP Readiness Project

    May 2020 Sep 2020

    To develop a strategy that will guide the effective integration of gender considerations throughout the main activities of the GCF-NAP Readiness project.

    The publication of Integrating Gender Considerations into Ghana’s NAP Process, which provides a gender-responsive approach to the NAP process in Ghana.


    Jun 2021 Nov 2021

    To support the preparation of the country’s first AdCom ahead of COP26. This AdCom will enhance the visibility and profile of adaptation in Ghana, inform synthesis reporting for the Global Stocktake, strengthen adaptation action and support, and enhance the understanding of national adaptation priorities.

    Ghana’s AdCom was submitted to the UNFCCC on November 4, 2021—in advance of COP26.

    With feedback received by stakeholders at various workshops, the AdCom contains information on the progress, barriers, experiences, and support needed for adaptation, as well as recommendations for the NAP process. Watch this video for the coverage of Ghana's TV3 on the launch of the country AdCom.

  • Development of a district-level adaptation strategy and action plan informed by vulnerability and risk assessments.

    Dec 2022 Mar 2023

    To support the development of a methodology for converting one of six district-level vulnerability assessments conducted in 2022 into an adaptation strategy and action plan in partnership with the district communities.

    An adaptation plan for the Bekwai Municipal Assembly, Southern Ghana, was developed, built on the vulnerability assessment and stakeholder consultation. The methodology that was piloted will serve to replicate the initiative in other Ghanaian districts.

  • Piloting using district-level vulnerability assessments to develop district-level adaptation strategies and action plans

    Apr 2023 Mar 2024

    To develop a series of district-level vulnerability assessments through its NAP process. This request aimed to pilot an approach to  

    develop an adaptation strategy and action plan for one district (Bekwai) based on its vulnerability assessment.

    The Municipality of Bekwai drafted, validated, and published a district-level adaptation strategy and action plan through a participatory process. The pilot provides a replicable model for peer districts across Ghana’s six agro-ecological zones.


  • NDC-NAP Linkages Workshop

    Jan 2019 Feb 2019

    To explore how to scale up adaptation by aligning Grenada’s NAP process and adaptation with their NDCs.

    Hosted a workshop that increased the overall understanding of potential linkages and alignment between the NAP process and NDCs among participants, and published a successive workshop report.

  • Development of a Technical Analysis of M&E for Adaptation

    Jan 2019 Mar 2020

    To identify a flexible and easy-to-administer monitoring tool, and to establish and sharpen the M&E process drafted in the NAP.

    A capacity-building workshop on M&E of climate change adaptation. Published Developing a Climate Adaptation M&E System for Grenada’s NAP, a report focused on how Grenada can track its own progress and work towards becoming a resilient island nation.

Flag of Haiti


  • Toward a Gender-Responsive National Adaptation Plan Process in Haiti

    Sep 2022 Jul 2023

    To promote a better understanding of the links between climate change and gender through training and building the capacity to define gender mainstreaming indicators in the implementation of the NAP.

    This note presents an overview of gender realities in the different key sectors of the NAP, the legal and institutional framework for gender integration in Haiti's NAP process, future opportunities for gender integration and priority actions to ensure that the NAP equitably benefits people of diverse genders.

  • Briefing note on the transition from adaptation planning to implementation

    Sep 2022 Dec 2022

    To prepare a policy brief highlighting the urgency of implementing the recently launched National Adaptation Plan (NAP), outlining the roles that national actors should play in NAP implementation.

    The publication of the policy brief Implementing Adaptation Under the Paris Agreement: The key role of stakeholders, underscoring the country’s main gaps and needs for the NAP implementation.

  • Training workshop on the use of drones for vulnerability mapping

    Dec 2021 Apr 2023

    Training for Haitian government staff to operate a drone for aerial surveillance of protected areas in Haiti and assessment of forest cover.

    From March 20 to 25, 10 staff from the Ministry of Environment were trained in operating a drone, as well as in photography and video making.


    Jul 2021 Dec 2021

    To support the preparation of the country’s first AdCom.

    Haiti’s AdCom was submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on July 1, 2022.


    Developed through a participatory and inclusive process, this first AdCom takes stock of the country’s adaptation achievements, underscores the lessons learned from the implementation of the 2006 National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA), and presents an overview of Haiti’s needs for the coming years.

  • Support to launch Haiti’s first NAP document

    Oct 2021 Mar 2023

    To support the Government of Haiti in completing and submitting the NAP document to the UNFCCC. In addition, to assist in the organization of workshops to raise awareness of the NAP process across the country.

    The NAP document was validated in a national workshop in March 2022 and submitted to the UNFCCC in January 2023. Three workshops to disseminate the NAP process took place in different regions in December 2022, January and March 2023.

  • Development of a Communications Strategy for the NAP process

    Apr 2020 Jun 2021

    To support the development of a communications strategy for Haiti’s NAP process aiming to inform Haitians about the country’s adaptation priorities and efforts.

    The publication of a communications strategy for Haiti’s NAP process (available in French only) focused on awareness-raising and guiding the Haitian government in its communications with stakeholders and sectors affected by the country’s adaptation priorities. Moreover, it proposes a path forward to engage journalists’ associations, specifically a network of environmental journalists, for disseminating information and providing outreach regarding activities related to the NAP process. Read this blog post to learn more about Haiti’s experience in developing a communications strategy for the NAP process.


  • Integrating Climate Change into National and Ministerial Budgets

    Jun 2017 Aug 2017

    To enhance the ability of the government to integrate climate change adaptation into national and ministerial budgets, and to increase understanding among budget officers of Jamaica’s NAP process.

    A two-day finance workshop on integrating climate change adaptation into national and ministerial budgets. This support increased understanding of Jamaica’s NAP process among budget officers; raised awareness of the cross-cutting impacts of climate change adaptation and the implications it has for the budget process; and strengthened communication and coordination among budget and policy officers in ministries.

  • Integrating Gender Considerations in Jamaica’s NAP Process

    Jun 2018 Sep 2018

    To host a workshop in which participants discuss challenges and opportunities related to integrating gender considerations in adaptation planning and action and identify next steps regarding how to integrate this into the NAP process.

    Gender workshop in Jamaica.A capacity-building workshop that brought together both climate change and gender focal points from Jamaica’s key climate-sensitive ministries, departments, and agencies to discuss how to meaningfully integrate gender considerations into Jamaica’s NAP process. Read this blog post to learn more about the meeting between these specialists.


    Jun 2021 Sep 2022

    To support the preparation of the country’s first AdCom. 

    Jamaica’s AdCom was submitted to the UNFCCC on December 16, 2022.

    This AdCom communicates progress in national adaptation action and highlights the gaps that remain in adaptation, finance, technical capacity, and technology. The AdCom’s goals are to strengthen the government’s adaptation thinking and its negotiation position; profile adaptation priorities and needs; and raise awareness on adaptation action and loss and damage. To learn more about the process of developing Jamaica's AdCom, check out this blog post


  • Vertical Integration to Develop a Regional Adaptation Plan for the Eastern-Kazakhstan Province

    Dec 2018 May 2019

    To ensure planning and practical implementation of the adaptation measures by different sectors at different governance levels, and to also support best practices and give guidance on vertical integration in order to inform the implementation of adaptation actions at the sub-national level.

    The publication of Entry Points for Vertical Integration of Climate Action in Kazakhstan (available in English and Russian).


  • Review and Update of M&E of Climate Adaptation

    Apr 2018 May 2019

    To review Kenya’s previous MRV+ System and update its adaptation part as part of the revised National Climate Change Action Plan 2018-2023.

    The consolidation of Review and Update of the Kenya National Adaptation M&E for the National Climate Change Action Plan 2018-2023, a report proposing a light, flexible system for tracking progress in climate adaptation based on existing available data. See this sNAPshot that proposes the next steps to design and implement this adaptation M&E system.

  • NCCAP Progress Report

    Feb 2021 Dec 2021

    To develop the second annual implementation status report of Kenya’s National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) 2018-2022, which serves as the 5-year implementation plan for Kenya’s NAP.

    The publication of the second NCCAP implementation progress report, which covers the period from July 2019 to June 2020 and evaluates progress made in the seven priority areas in the NCCAP: disaster risk management; food and nutrition security; water and the blue economy; forestry, wildlife and tourism; health, sanitation and human settlements; manufacturing; and energy and transport.

  • Development of Kenya's NCCAP III, 2023–2027

    Jul 2023 Dec 2023

    To provide expert advice and support to the Government of Kenya in the preparation of the third National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP III) for 20232027.

    Reviewed inputs to the process of updating the NCCAP III, particularly on the adaptation elements, and reviewed the draft versions of the NCCAP III and the Adaptation Technical Analysis Report. The NCCAP III was launched by the President in late 2023

  • Report on the progress of implementation of the second National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) 2018–2022

    Jan 2024 Apr 2024

    To compile and organize information on the implementation of Kenya’s second NCCAP 20182022.

    Provided the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry with an improved understanding of the progress made through a detailed report. This report also supports monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) of climate change adaptation in Kenya to inform its third NCCAP (20232027). Kenya’s 5-year NCCAPs implement priorities articulated in its NAP 20152030.


  • Presentation of the Kiribati Joint Implementation Plan (KJIP) at the 2018 Mayors General Meeting

    Jun 2018 Aug 2018

    To enable local government leaders to fully understand the KJIP and their roles in its implementation, and to facilitate its discussion.

    A capacity-building session at the fourth biennial Mayors General Meeting, which gathered mayors of the 23 island councils. This support raised awareness and ownership among mayors of the KJIP and helped develop an understanding of the linkages between the island-strategic plans, the whole-of-island approach, and the Integrated Vulnerability Assessment. The KJIP acts as the country’s NAP, and getting mayors to both understand and support it was critical to its implementation.

  • Training on the ​Kiribati National Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (KIVA) database

    Feb 2023 Feb 2024

    To enhance the capacity of government staff to use the Kiribati Integrated Vulnerability Assessment Database to inform decision-making regarding climate change adaptation and disaster risk management.

    Provided comprehensive training on managing and administering the KIVA database and enhanced digital coordination on managing climate change vulnerability data


  • Best Practices Document for Developing Lebanon’s NAP and its implementation roadmap

    Nov 2022 May 2023

    To conduct a review and analysis of NAP documents and NAP road maps prepared by peer developing countries to identify strengths and weaknesses aiming at designing a best practice guiding document.

    The publication of a report with good practices, which was grounded on the review of the NAP documents of 12 countries with similar geography and political landscape as Lebanon, in-depth analysis of six countries’ plans (Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, and Turkey), and an interview with Albanian officials involved in the NAP process. Findings and recommendations were validated in a 2-day workshop.


  • Capacity building in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) for the country’s NAP process

    Dec 2022 Apr 2023

    To strengthen the technical capacity of staff from the ministries of Energy and Meteorology, Development Planning, and Finance, as well as other stakeholders, in MEL for development and climate change adaptation.

    A training manual in MEL was developed, and a training workshop took place from February 27 to March 3, 2023, introducing participants to MEL principles and tools, risk management, reporting in MEL, cost implications, and data management.

Flag of Liberia



    Jun 2021 Dec 2021

    To support the launch and dissemination of Liberia’s first National Adaptation Plan.

    Group photo of Liberia's National Adaptation Plan launch. An abridged version of Liberia’s NAP was developed and translated to four country local languages: Kpelleh, Bassa, Gio and Vai. The launch event was held in Monrovia on December 8, 2021. Liberia submitted the country’s first National Adaptation Plan to the UNFCCC on December 16, 2021


    Jun 2021 Dec 2021

    To support the preparation of the country’s first AdCom using information generated during the formulation and implementation process of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) as a basis.

    Liberia’s AdCom was submitted to the UNFCCC on December 11, 2021.

    Per the Katowice Climate Package adopted in 2018, Liberia’s ADCOM reports the areas of adaptation planning and implementation in need of support to the UNFCCC and contributes to the Global Stocktake.

  • Developing a NAP communications strategy

    Jun 2023 May 2024

    To develop a NAP communications strategy to cultivate a shared responsibility and dedication to building climate resilience throughout Liberia by engaging policy-makers, civil society groups, communities, and individuals.

    Launch a NAP communication developed through a participatory process that sets out communication objectives, priority audiences, key messages, communication tools, and clear metrics to measure the effectiveness of communication efforts.

  • Strengthening sector coordination on MEL for Liberia’s NAP process, aligned with NDC priority sectors

    Aug 2023 Apr 2024

    To enhance MEL for Liberia’s NAP process by improving coordination among sector ministries, building capacity through training, and increasing understanding of NAP and NDC priority sectors among stakeholders to inform the review of NAP indicators.

    Documented key learnings to support the operationalization and integration of MEL into adaptation planning processes. Capacity was strengthened at the sector level through training on the National MEL Framework for Liberia’s NAP.

  • National Environmental Leadership Training Program

    Sep 2023 Sep 2023

    To enhance the capacity of Liberia’s Environmental Protection Agency staff and other key stakeholders involved in the NAP process on adaptation planning and implementation.

    Delivered a 3-day National Environment Leadership Training Program that was attended by approximately 3040 participants from across government and civil society organizations.

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Flag of Madagascar


  • Gender Analysis

    Oct 2018 Mar 2019

    To identify key steps to integrate gender issues into the NAP process.

    The publication of a technical briefing note (available only in French) for a NAP process that is responsive to gender issues, which sheds light on both the links between gender issues and adaptation to climate change, as well as the stakes for the NAP process in Madagascar.


    Aug 2021 Mar 2022

    To support the preparation of the country’s AdCom.

    Madagascar’s AdCom was submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on May 29, 2022.

    Grounded on a series of consultations with stakeholders, this AdCom provides an overview of undergoing adaptation actions in Madagascar, as well as the adaptation achievements, challenges, and needs.

  • Dissemination of the NAP document and the AdCom

    Feb 2022 Feb 2023

    To develop communications products to support a communications campaign to disseminate the adaptation priorities and actions outlined by the country’s 2022 NAP and AdCom.

    Brochures, posters, and news articles in Malagasy and French were created to raise awareness of the NAP process across the country. On March 1, 2023, a workshop to introduce the NAP document and the AdCom to government officials and other stakeholders was held in Antsiranana.

  • Public engagement to raise awareness of NAP priorities

    Jan 2023 Apr 2023

    To raise awareness about strategic actions needed to strengthen climate resilience in Madagascar by disseminating the NAP and Adaptation Communication (AdCom).

    National outreach to engage actors supported by communication outputs, such as brochures, posters, and figures, to effectively communicate the NAP and AdCom. A workshop was also organized to present the NAP and AdCom to regional stakeholders in Tulear, and a detailed report was released summarizing the workshop outcomes.

  • Raising awareness of NAP priorities in Toamasina, Eastern Madagascar

    Sep 2023 Jun 2024

    To share and strengthen subnational engagement in Madagascar’s NAP process by raising awareness among key stakeholders about the strategic actions needed to strengthen the country’s climate resilience.

    Identified 23 priority regions for ongoing NAP outreach and strategic engagement by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, which leads Madagascar’s NAP process 

     Posters, brochures, and other dissemination materials were produced, as well as three regional workshops. 

Flag of Malawi


  • Development of a NAP Framework

    Feb 2019 Mar 2020

    To develop a NAP Framework that will guide the country in developing and implementing the policies, plans, and legislation that will help Malawi to address its medium- and long-term adaptation needs.

    The publication of Malawi’s NAP Framework, which is a strategic document that clarifies the country’s approach to its NAP process and articulates Nigeria’s vision of climate change adaptation, its adaptation objectives, and guiding principles. Hosted a workshop in Lilongwe that brought together key stakeholders to discuss and validate the NAP Framework. Read a blog post from Climate Change Specialist Donald Reuben Kamdonyo, who supported this work and in which he discusses Malawi’s NAP Framework and milestones to date. 

  • Private Sector Engagement Strategy for the NAP

    Oct 2020 Dec 2021

    To support the engagement of the private sector in Malawi’s NAP process, mapping out stakeholders and developing an operating framework. 

    A Stakeholder Interest and Influence Grip on Malawi Nap Process was developed. The document was presented in a consultation workshop held on April 9, 2021, in Lilongwe. 

Flag of RMI


  • NAP Coordinator

    Jan 2020 Jul 2020

    To provide overall support to RMI’s Office of Environmental Planning and Policy Coordination through the funding of a NAP Coordinator heading the team and responsible for the development of the NAP.

    Strengthened governance, institutional arrangement systems, and capacity for addressing climate and disaster risk and adaptation for climate impacts. Raised awareness throughout RMI on adaptation issues. Monitoring and review mechanisms were also put into place with indicators and milestones consistent with the global framework.

Flag of Mexico



    Feb 2021 Apr 2022

    To support the preparation of the country’s first AdCom. This AdCom aims is to inform synthesis reporting for the Global Stocktake, strengthen adaptation action and support, and enhance the understanding of national adaptation priorities.

    Mexico’s AdCom was submitted to the UNFCCC in February 2022.  This ADCOM reports specific information on the country’s adaptation support needs to the UNFCCC, while also mainstreaming adaptation in development and sectoral planning and the costs associated with planned adaptation measures.


  • Development of a NAP Roadmap

    Oct 2016 Jan 2017

    To identify key stakeholders whose inputs should be incorporated into the Roadmap, to coordinate and mobilize those stakeholders, and to develop the Roadmap document itself.

    The publication of a NAP Roadmap for the launch of the NAP Process in Morocco, the refined version of which set out the activities that the government of Morocco pursued over the next two to three years as a part of its NAP process.

Flag of Namibia



    Jun 2021 Dec 2021

    To support the preparation of the country’s first Adaptation Communication (AdCom) ahead of COP26. This AdCom will enhance the visibility and profile of adaptation in Namibia, inform synthesis reporting for the Global Stocktake (GST), strengthen adaptation action and support, and enhance the understanding of national adaptation priorities.

    Namibia’s Adaptation Communication (AdCom) was submitted to the UNFCCC on December 6, 2021. Although submitted after the climate change conference, the development process allowed the Government of Namibia to strengthen its adaptation thinking and negotiation position at COP26. This AdCom successfully contributed to reporting to the UNFCCC and the Global Stocktake.

  • Development of a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Framework

    Feb 2022 Oct 2022

    To identify an appropriate MEL system for Namibia’s NAP process, building on the adaptation priorities set out in the country’s Adaptation Communication and revised nationally determined contribution.

    This support led to improved understanding of the need for adaptation MEL, the aims and objectives of MEL of adaptation, and synergies with other MEL systems in Namibia.


    The Namibian government has published a briefing note setting out the next steps for Namibia’s adaptation MEL system and sustainable options for its implementation.

  • Development of a baseline report for the agriculture sector to support the NAP process

    May 2023 Jan 2024

    To establish a monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) system for adaptation in Namibia’s agriculture sector to inform the development of a comprehensive MEL system for the NAP process.

    This support helped develop a detailed work plan for establishing a MEL system for the agricultural sector and a clear understanding of the next steps required to advance the plan. Other deliverables include an annotated outline of the baseline report, a stakeholder consultation report, and a final approved baseline indicator report.

  • Enhancing capacities in monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) for the agriculture sector to support the NAP process in Namibia

    Jan 2024 Jul 2024

    To strengthen and implement a sector-specific MEL system for Namibia’s agriculture sector as a foundation for broader MEL approaches for adaptation to be used across other sectors.

    Produced a detailed work plan for an agriculture-specific MEL system and a report on the institutional coordination for the MEL framework, conducted a capacity-building needs assessment, and revised indicators for monitoring adaptation. A sNAPshot brief summarizes these efforts, laying the groundwork for expanding MEL systems to other sectors.

Flag of Nepal


  • Development of a NAP Reflections Document

    Nov 2017 Aug 2018

    To enhance the knowledge capacity of Nepal’s Ministry of Forests and Environment and to develop a comprehensive NAP document incorporating and considering all the knowledge products, local plans, and consultations that took place or were produced during the process.

    The publication of Nepal’s NAP Process: Reflecting on Lessons Learned and the Way Forward, which consolidates and synthesizes the technical expertise and knowledge acquired throughout the NAP process to date. As the country moved toward developing an overarching NAP document, this positioned the government so that the overarching NAP built on past work and avoided duplication of efforts.

  • Discussion Paper on Policy Linkages for the NAP Process

    Mar 2020 Jun 2020

    To develop a discussion paper exploring how different planned and ongoing domestic and international policy processes, such as the NAP, the Sustainable Development Goals, the NDCs, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), can inform each other and be further aligned to advance climate-resilient development in the country.

    The publication of Policy Alignment to Advance Climate-Resilient Development in Nepal. Hosted a workshop in Kathmandu that brought together key stakeholders to discuss opportunities for policy alignment and validate the discussion paper.

Flag of Nigeria


  • Development of a NAP Framework

    Aug 2019 Jun 2020

    To develop a NAP Framework that will guide Nigeria in developing and implementing the policies, plans, and legislation that will help the country address its medium- and long-term adaptation needs.

    The publication of Nigeria’s NAP Framework, which is a strategic document that clarifies the country’s approach to its NAP process and articulates Nigeria’s vision of climate change adaptation, adaptation objectives, and guiding principles. Hosted a workshop in Abuja that brought together key stakeholders to discuss opportunities for policy alignment and validate the discussion paper. Read a blog post from Climate Change Department Director Yerima Tarfa of Nigeria’s Ministry of Environment who supported this work, and in which he shares lessons from the process.


    Jun 2021 Oct 2021

    To support the preparation of the country’s first AdCom ahead of COP26. This AdCom will enhance the visibility and profile of adaptation in Nigeria, inform synthesis reporting for the Global Stocktake (GST), strengthen adaptation action and support, and enhance the understanding of national adaptation priorities.

    Nigeria's AdCom was submitted to the UNFCCC in October 2021, ahead of COP26.

    Additionally, the capacity of adaptation stakeholders was built throughout the development of the AdCom, with participation in workshops and engagement practices.

  • Development of gender analysis for the NAP process

    Nov 2022 Dec 2023

    To enhance Nigeria’s NAP process by integrating gender considerations into climate change adaptation planning.

    Comprehensive gender analysis—published as a report and through briefing paperswas integrated into Nigeria’s NAP process. The analysis provided recommendations for incorporating gender-responsive climate strategies and insights on gender-specific impacts across various sectors.  

    Additionally, national actors were trained in gender analysis to develop gender-responsive adaptation actions.



    Feb 2019 Feb 2019

    To explore how to scale up adaptation by aligning Peru’s NAP process and adaptation with their NDCs.

    Hosted a workshop to implement a plan that allowed Peru to move forward with the development of its NAP and M&E system, while ensuring that these aligned with the country’s ambitions for its NDCs.


    Feb 2020 Apr 2020

    To engage stakeholders and Indigenous peoples, and to provide a legal analysis of the Indigenous Climate Platform as part of the regulation of Peru’s Framework Law on Climate Change

    Peruvian chola during a maating on the Indigenous Climate PlatformThe publication of a report regarding the legal analysis of the Indigenous Climate Platform and its proposed structure.

  • NAP Launch Communications Campaign

    Jun 2020 Dec 2021

    To create an awareness raising campaign linked to the NAP’s communications strategy to highlight the benefits, opportunities, urgency and actions of Peru’s National Adaptation Plan, reaching at least 3 million Peruvians through traditional media outlets and social networks. 

    The Peruvian Ministry of Environment (Minam) launched the campaign #CambiaElClimaCambioYo (As the climate changes, so do I) on November 12, 2021, calling on Peruvians to better understand the impacts of climate change and to collaborate with the adaptation efforts by changing their behaviours, attitudes, practices and habits. Read this news item for more information. 


Flag of Saint Lucia



    Jun 2021 Sep 2022

    To support the development of the country’s first NAP Progress Report and the AdCom. The Progress Report aims to take stock of the adaptation actions implemented since the launch of the NAP document in 2018, highlighting the progress made, barriers, experiences, and priorities for action and funding. Its findings served to inform the development of the AdCom.

    Published in October 2022, the NAP Progress Report underscores the nexus between planned and implemented adaptation actions under the NAP and outlines the adaptation commitments in the updated nationally determined contributions.

    Saint Lucia's AdCom was submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on October 14, 2022. The document details the country’s progress and continuing needs in terms of climate adaptation. 

Flag of Sierra Leone


  • Promotion of Sierra Leone’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) document

    Jun 2021 Jun 2022

    To support the organization of a high-level launch of the country’s NAP and the development of communications products to raise awareness of the document.

    The official launch of the NAP document took place in Freetown on February 15, 2022, bringing together key government officials and local community representatives.

    A brochure with frequently asked questions about the NAP and leaflets portraying the adaptation priority sectors were produced, as well as a short video describing the country’s NAP process. 

Flag of Somalia


  • NAP Framework

    Mar 2021 Feb 2022

    To prepare a National Adaptation Plan Framework to guide Somalia in developing, coordinating, and implementing plans, strategies and policies to address medium- and long-term adaptation needs.  

    Developed after extensive stakeholder consultations, the NAP Framework establishes Somalia’s approach, vision, guiding principles, institutional framework and key themes for the country’s NAP process, including aligning it to existing policies related to gender equality, conflict and peacebuilding.   

Flag of South Africa


  • Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA) Manuals

    Jul 2021 Dec 2021

    To develop a set of user-friendly manuals summarizing the climate change risk and vulnerability assessment (RVA) for nine priority Catchment Management Areas (CMAs) of South Africa’s Water Resources sector.   

    An inception report and nine RVA handbooks were developed, including updated maps of all CMAs — Berg, Breede, Olifants, Orange, Mzimvubu, Vall, Inkomati-Usuthu, Limpopo and Pongola-Mzimvubu.

Flag of Suriname


  • Sector Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan (SASAP) for Water Resources

    Jun 2021 Feb 2022

    To provide strategic inputs to the Sector Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan (SASAP) for Water Resources by leading a stakeholder engagement process aiming to prioritize adaptation actions and mainstream gender considerations in the water sector.

    The publication of the SASAP, which provides government and non-government stakeholders with a structured plan for integrating adaptation into the water resources sector policies. Developed with inputs from a broad range of stakeholders, the document also puts gender equality and social inclusion at the centre of adaptation actions in the water sector.

  • Develop a methodology to support Suriname’s cost adaptation actions priorities in its NAP document

    Mar 2024 Jun 2024

    To develop a methodology for costing priority adaptation actions in Suriname’s NAP to enable government teams to accurately estimate the financial requirements needed to implement the NAP.

    The development of a tailored NAP costing methodology for Suriname was validated through stakeholder consultations to ensure accuracy and relevance to the country’s NAP. Additionally, a training session in April 2024 was conducted for government officials to use the costing tool effectively.


  • Training of Trainers on Integrating Gender and Climate Change Adaptation in Sub-National Planning

    Oct 2019 Sep 2020

    To strengthen the capacities of government staff, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations on integrating gender and climate change adaptation in planning at sub-national levels and to provide them with the necessary skills and materials for training.

    The ToT aimed to provide key actors in local planning with the necessary skills to provide training for local stakeholders, including women’s groups and farmer’s groups.A training-of-trainers session on gender and climate change adaptation was held to provide key actors in local planning with the necessary skills to deliver training for local stakeholders and build local capacities on gender, climate change adaptation, and the linkages between the two. This supported the NAP process’ objective to integrate adaptation in development planning across levels, ensuring that these efforts also address gender considerations. Developed a case study to document some of the lessons learned.

Flag of Philippines


  • Review and Enhancement of the Philippines’ National M&E Systems for NAP-NDC

    Aug 2019 May 2020

    To conduct a stocktake and analysis of the Philippines’ existing M&E systems, and to define entry points for potential revision and enhancement.

    A review that provided the government with recommendations for enhancement of their NAP-NDC M&E system. It set the basis for the development of an M&E results-oriented and knowledge-managing system that was built off existing systems.


  • Development of an AdCom

    Jul 2022 Mar 2023

    To support the preparation of the country’s AdCom, highlighting the progress made in implementing the 2016 Togo’s NAP, in addition to updated institutional arrangements, vulnerability assessments, and the country’s financial and technological needs for adaptation action.

    Togo’s AdCom was validated in a national workshop held in January 2023 and submitted to the UNFCCC in July 2023.

Flag of Tonga


  • National Climate Change Awareness Week

    September 2021

    To support the organization of the “Exhibition Day” during the National Climate Change Awareness Week 2021, which theme was “Building a Resilient Tonga.”

    Photo of the Climate Week in Tonga.The “Climate Change Exhibition Day” was held on September 24, 2021, in Nukuʻalofa, bringing together stakeholders from the government, NGOs, private sector, community groups and schools. Climate related activities and services were showcased in numerous booths and secondary students were awarded in a competition for the best climate change speech, video production and school singing.

  • Improvement of the National Adaptation Plan Process Communications

    Oct 2021 Oct 2022

    To support the purchase of professional video equipment and the production of illustrations and footage to promote the country’s National Adaptation Plan process.

    Members from the Government of Tonga poses for a photo with the new equipment.On September 8, 2022, the Government of Tonga received the video equipment during a workshop for local journalists aiming to improve the coverage of climate change-related issues.

    A set of illustrations depicting adaptation action in the country was also produced.

  • Review of the Tonga Climate Change Fund Act Regulations and Operational Manual

    Mar 2022 Dec 2023

    To review, revise, and finalize the Tonga Climate Change Fund Act Regulations and the Operational Manual.

    Developed an updated version of the Regulations and Operational Manual for the Tonga Climate Change Fund Act 2021 to contribute to sound management of the fund, which will finance activities that implement adaptation priorities set out in Tonga’s NAP (the JNAP 2). The Regulations and Operational Manual were approved by Cabinet in August 2024. 

  • Capacity-building workshop for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the NAP process

    May 2023 Nov 2023

    To support the Tongan government in enhancing the M&E of its second Joint National Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management (JNAP 2, 20182028). 

    The NAP Global Network supported three early-career contractors to help the JNAP Secretariat organize a JNAP Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Building Workshop. Supported by communications productsincluding articles, press releases, presentations, photos, and postersit strengthened the M&E of the JNAP 2.

Flag of Turkmenistan


Flag of Uganda



    Jun 2021 Dec 2021

    To support the preparation of the country’s AdCom, building on existing institutional structures and coordination mechanisms, and aligned with the ongoing process to prepare the country’s second nationally determined contribution. The AdCom will also serve to inform synthesis reporting for the Global Stocktake.

    Stakeholder consultations and a validation workshop were held to gather inputs for an inception report and a briefing paper. It also established a workplan with a methodology and key milestones in the process of developing an AdCom.


  • Developing a NAP Private Sector Engagement Strategy

    Sep 2019 Sep 2020

    To conduct an assessment on climate change impact on the private sector, and to identify the gaps and challenges on mobilizing the private sector into the development and implementation of Viet Nam’s NAP.

    The publication of Private Sector Engagement in NAP Development and Implementation in Viet Nam (available in English and Vietnamese). Read a blog post from Climate Change Specialist Huy Nguyen, who supported this work and in which he shares lessons from the process.

  • Developing an AdCom

    Jan 2022 Jun 2023

    To support the development of Vietnam’s first AdCom by analyzing current policies on climate change adaptation, updating the progress of the implementation of adaptation actions, and assessing the support needs, among others.

    The second draft of Vietnam’s AdCom was validated in December 2022 after incorporating inputs from two stakeholders’ consultations and is undergoing government review for approval.

  • Capacity building on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for the NAP process

    Jan 2022 Mar 2023

    To support the implementation of the M&E system by developing a training manual and organizing training workshops for ministries and local authorities engaged in the NAP process.

    A series of training workshops were held in different regions across the country throughout 2022. An M&E training manual to help ministries and localities implement the M&E system was launched in December 2022.

  • Adaptations Communications (AdComs)

    Jan 2022 Jun 2023

    To support Vietnam in drafting its first AdCom to the UNFCCC, aligned with its NAP for 20212030, with a vision to 2050.

    The Vietnamese government prepared a full draft of an AdCom, which was validated by national actors. This drafting process piloted the GIZ Adaptation Communication Drafting Assistance Tool. 

  • Develop monitoring and evaluation (M&E) indicators and systems for the water sector

    May 2022 Dec 2023

    To develop indicators and a comprehensive M&E system for Vietnam’s water sector for priorities outlined in the NAP 20212030.

    A finalized M&E system for the water sector, including a set of indicators for national and local levels for the water sector. This work also involved developing procedures for collecting, managing, and analyzing data for the water sector. The successful development of the M&E system at the national and local levels supports Vietnam’s adaptation goals, as outlined in their NAP.


  • Development of a monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) system for the NAP Process

    Nov 2022 Nov 2023

    To support the development of a MEL system with clear outcomes, indicators, and tools to track the progress of the country’s NAP process at national and sub-national levels.

    A MEL framework was validated during a national workshop held by the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment from February 13 to 17, 2023, in Lusaka. The document includes key performance benchmarks, data collection procedures, and information on how to streamline data collected from diverse sources. In addition, a training workshop was held on March 16–17, 2023, bringing together representatives from all ministries, agencies and other stakeholders involved in Zambia’s NAP process.

  • Review of Zambia’s NAP document

    Jun 2023 Jun 2023

    To review and provide inputs to the draft of Zambia’s National Adaptation Plan.

    The NAP Global Network Secretariat provided a review of the draft NAP document that was concluded in June 2023 and is on track for finalization in late 2023.

Flag of Zimbabwe


  • Development of a NAP Roadmap

    Dec 2018 Feb 2019

    To identify key stakeholders whose inputs should be incorporated into the Roadmap, to coordinate and mobilize those stakeholders, and to develop the Roadmap document itself.

    The publication of a NAP Roadmap for Zimbabwe, a training manual on how to integrate climate change adaptation into development frameworks with guiding steps on developing district adaptation plans.


    Aug 2021 Oct 2022

    To support the preparation of the country’s AdCom. The AdCom aims to enhance the visibility and profile of adaptation in Zimbabwe, provide input to the Global Stocktake, strengthen adaptation action and support, and enhance learning and understanding of adaptation needs and actions.

    Zimbabwe’s AdCom was submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on October 18, 2022.


    The initial AdCom reflects the progress on climate change mainstreaming pursuant to reducing the vulnerability of the country’s socio-economic sectors to the impacts of climate change.