The Kingdom of Eswatini’s Initial Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC
The Kingdom of Eswatini
The Kingdom of Eswatini’s first Adaptation Communications (AdCom) provides information on national circumstances, including institutional arrangements; highlights climate risks, vulnerabilities, and impacts in Eswatini; and elaborates on ongoing and proposed adaptation measures and actions. The AdCom describes barriers and challenges to planning and implementing climate change adaptation, and the support needed by the Kingdom to deliver on its adaptation priorities.
This AdCom presents a comprehensive overview of the actions taken by Eswatini to address the impacts of climate change, such as flood control, irrigation systems, climate-proofed infrastructure, and strengthening protected areas. Government departments, NGOs, farmers groups, and the private sector have helped to implement adaptation actions.
Adaptation is the priority in Eswatini, a country that is experiencing the impacts of climate change including increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. Climate hazards faced by the country include droughts, floods, landslides, heatwaves, wildfires, invasive species, and epidemics. The government has established policies, strategies, and action plans to encourage adaptation action, including the National Climate Change Policy, 2016 and the National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, 2015-2020.
This AdCom was developed with assistance from the NAP Global Network Secretariat, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), via the financial support of the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO).
Publisher: Kingdom of Eswatini