Malawi’s National Adaptation Plan Framework
Climate change has been recognized as one of the biggest challenges that humanity is facing today. It has serious worldwide implications for economic development, food security and poverty eradication for developing countries, especially for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) like Malawi. All of Malawi’s socioeconomic sectors have been—and will continue to be—affected by climate change, with implications for the livelihoods of its population and its social and economic development.
The purpose of this National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Framework for Malawi is to guide the country in advancing its NAP process. The NAP Framework has built on the NAP Roadmap, validating and updating the vision, objectives and mandates identified therein. It reaffirms the structure and approach for the NAP process, linking it to existing or planned policies, plans, strategies and legislation that will enable Malawi to address its medium- and long-term adaptation needs.
Related content:
- Malawi Gears Up to Adapt to Climate Change
- Malawi Validates National Adaptation Plan Framework
- Malawi Hosts International Forum on Adapting to Climate Change
Publisher: Government of Malawi