Jamaica’s Adaptation Communication

Adaptation is a critical element of Jamaica’s action on climate change. This is especially relevant with the growing effects of climate change, evidenced in increased average temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, rising sea levels and more extreme hydrometeorological events. These climate threats must be addressed comprehensively and sustainably for the country’s development aspirations to become a reality, and for Jamaica to be “the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.”

Jamaica’s Adaptation Communication (AdCom) represents an opportunity to communicate progress in national adaptation action, and critically, highlight the gaps that remain in adaptation, finance, technical capacity, and technology. This first AdCom will complement and support national progress on adaptation action. It will be used as a basis for guiding “coherent and enhanced support” for adaptation action that is to be provided to developing countries by highlighting some of Jamaica’s current and projected adaptation priorities and, implementation and support needs.

The AdCom will continue to elevate the importance of adaptation, catalysing wider incorporation of climate change considerations in national and sectoral development policies, strategies, and programmes. It will provide an important opportunity to highlight loss and damage, particularly as the implications of the limits to effective adaptation are recognised as growing threats to sustainable national development.


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Publisher: Government of Jamaica