Targeted Topics Forum

The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network and the Government of the Republic of Fiji will be co-hosting a Targeted Topics Forum, reconvening two cohorts of countries for sustained peer learning and exchange on the NAP process.

For the first cohort of countries that first met in Brazil in July 2015, the international workshop will focus on communications and other topics. The general objectives will be to:

  • identify opportunities for strategic communications to support the NAP process, developing key messages and identifying priority communications channels through which to engage audiences; and
  • promote dialogue between planning actors from developing countries and bilateral donors to exchange views on effective ways to support national adaptation planning processes.

The second cohort of countries that first met in Cambodia in September 2016 will focus on the topic of monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The general objectives of this TTF will be to:

  • identify key challenges and best practices related to M&E in the NAP process; and
  • promote dialogue between planning actors from developing countries and bilateral donors to exchange views on effective ways to support national adaptation planning and M&E. We will also be organizing an exceptional one-day workshop where both TTF cohorts, representing over 20 countries, will come together to discuss and learn about gender issues in the NAP process.

TTFs are highly dynamic and interactive workshops that allow participants to share lessons on what has (and has not) worked in countries’ national adaptation planning and action.

This event is being funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada.