Webinar | Adaptation in the Biennial Transparency Reports: FAQ
This webinar explored some common questions about the adaptation chapter of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) and how countries can leverage the outputs and results of their National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes for their transparency reporting.
The speakers also walk us through on how the new UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience (the Global Goal on Adaptation Framework) relates to the BTRs.
- Emilie Beauchamp, Lead on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for Adaptation with the NAP Global Network
- Jeffrey Qi, Policy Advisor with the NAP Global Network
- María del Pilar Bueno, Senior Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research at the National University of Rosario, Argentina
- Christian Ledwell, Knowledge Manager, NAP Global Network
Reports and Other Publications
- NAP GN’s briefing note Adaptation in Biennial Transparency Reports: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) answers some common questions on how to prepare the adaptation chapter of the BTR.
- Learn more about the role of the NAP process in minimizing and addressing loss and damage in our 2023 report Addressing Loss and Damage: What can we learn from countries’ National Adaptation Plans?
- To learn more about assessing loss and damage, read this guide by the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT), and read the UNU-EHS Handbook on reporting and assessing on loss and damage.
- Take a look at user-friendly guidance on the A-BTR from the ICAT.
- Our report Leveraging the National Adaptation Plan Process for Adaptation Communications (AdComs) highlights opportunities for leveraging the results of NAP processes for preparing AdComs.
- Our analysis Reporting on Progress in National Adaptation Plan Processes provides insights and practical examples of progress reporting with the intent to encourage its adoption as an integral part of countries’ NAP processes.
- Why a participatory approach to vulnerability assessments? Learn from Benin, Burkina Faso, and Senegal examples.
- Read our report on how integrated vulnerability assessments support NAP processes in the Pacific Region.
Publisher: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)