Webinar | Bridging Scales: Multilevel governance and vertical integration in adaptation
This webinar explored major trends and developments in multilevel governance and vertical integration of adaptation, progress countries have made in creating intentional and strategic linkages between national and subnational levels of governance in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes, and what COP28 meant for multilevel governance of adaptation.
Experts from NAP Global Network and Regions4 also shared their latest research on vertical integration in NAPs and the RegionsAdapt Progress Report 2023.
From Regions4:
- Heloise Chicou Regions4’s Climate Action and Resilience Program manage
- Mélisa Cran, RegionsAdapt Program Manager
From NAP Global Network:
- Mauricio Luna Rodríguez, Policy Advisor on Climate Change Adaptation Governance
- Ivonne Lopez Arce, Policy Analyst, NAP Global Network
- Christian Ledwell, Knowledge Manager, NAP Global Network
NAP Global Network
Reports and Other Publications
NAP Global Network’s Progress on Vertical Integration in National Adaptation Plan Processes, a synthesis report that offers an in-depth analysis of the strategic linkages between national and sub-national levels in adaptation.
Regions4’s RegionsAdapt Progress Report 2023, which underscores the critical need for incorporating climate justice principles in regional adaptation strategies to ensure equitable and inclusive outcomes.
Sharm el-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda and Implementation Report: The Sharm-El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda delineates the actions and commitments set forth to address climate adaptation.
CHAMP Gathered at COP28: The Coalition for High Ambition Multilevel Partnerships (CHAMP) for Climate Action marks a significant step toward fostering ambitious partnerships across multiple governance levels for climate action. Learn more of their pledge set at COP28 here.
Publisher: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)