Governments from around the world are meeting in Madrid, Spain, from December 2 to 13 at the 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 25) to discuss climate policy.
Experts from the NAP Global Network will take part in discussions, share research and convene events at the conference, with a focus on gender, private sector engagement, NDC-NAP alignment, and vertical integration. Reach out to info@napglobalnetwork.org if you would like to connect with us.
The NAP Global Network Secretariat will be participating in the following events.
How National Adaptation Plan Processes Can Be Leveraged for Implementation of the Paris Agreement
When: 15:00–16:30, Tuesday, December 3
Where: Room 1
Organizers: Government of Grenada; International Institute for Sustainable Development
Description: This event will focus on how developing countries’ NAP processes can be leveraged to address multiple commitments under the Paris Agreement, including NDC enhancement and Adaptation Communications. Links to other parts of the 2030 agenda will also be explored.
What are the do’s and don’ts of exercising climate justice?
When: 11:15–12:15, Tuesday, December 3
Where: IASS Co-Creative Reflection & Dialogue Space, WWF Pavilion
Organizers: IASS, NAP Global Network
Description: The concept of climate change adaptation is intrinsically about justice, but in reality the act of operationalizing adaptation can often lead to sacrificing this fundamental principle. We will explore from a practical perspective what can help bring justice, truly, to the center of adaptation efforts.
Subnational Adaptation: Promoting vertical integration in the context of the NAP Process
When: 10:30–12:00, Wednesday, December 4
Where: Helsinki Room
Organizer(s): United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) in cooperation with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), through the NAP Global Network, and the World Resources Institute (WRI)
Description: This session aims to discuss and share experiences and lessons learned on vertical integration, focusing on innovative mechanisms that enhance the effectiveness of adaptation finance in reducing vulnerability—including strengthening transparency and responsiveness of donor funding, strengthening ownership and participation of local communities, building the capacity of local stakeholders and of local financial structures to manage finance and deliver adaptation results, addressing issues of equity (in particular the gender dimension) and incentivizing the private sector to invest in adaptation locally.
Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Days: Key messages & next steps
When: 9:00–11:00, Friday, December 6
Where: Capacity-building Hub
Organizers: UN Climate Change, International Development Research Center (IDRC), United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), NAP Global Network, UN Environment, UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
Description: This event will present the results from Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Days at the Latin American and Caribbean Climate Week and the Asian Pacific Climate Week.
What is gender-responsive adaptation really about?
When: 15:00–16:00, Friday, December 6
Where: Action Hub
Organizer: NAP Global Network
Description: In this session, the International Institute for Sustainable Development will create a lively debate between two experts on a critical issue related to gender-responsive adaptation, followed by an interactive discussion with the audience. The audience will decide on the winner based on what they consider to be the best arguments. Following the debate, the audience will be asked to share their views and will also be invited to ask questions to the experts.
National Visions for Adaptation Action: Lessons from Botswana, Ghana and Nigeria
When: 9:00–10:00, Saturday, December 7
Where: NDC Partnership Pavilion
Organizer: NAP Global Network Secretariat, the International Institute for Sustainable Development
Description: Many countries in the earlier stages of their National Adaptation Plan processes are choosing to develop NAP Frameworks—a strategic document that outlines the vision and structure for the NAP process, articulating why it is important and how it complements other elements of the climate and development policy suite in the country. This event will share country experiences from Botswana, Ghana and Nigeria with developing NAP frameworks, focusing on how these have advanced adaptation planning processes and set the stage for effective adaptation planning and implementation.
Comprehensive Risk Management: Progress and implementation in Latin America
When: 15:00–17:00, Saturday, December 7
Where: German Pavilion
Organizer: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) / Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Description: The event will illustrate the German comprehensive risk management approach, which brings together strategies and measures to reduce disaster and climate risks by combining instruments from the fields of climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation (CCA), disaster risk management (DRM) and social protection into a single holistic approach. The event aims to showcase highlights on the status quo of comprehensive risk management in Latin American countries. Remaining gaps and needs will be identified, and opportunities for replication of good practices in different Latin American countries discussed.
Development and Climate Days
When: Sunday, December 8
Where: Hilton Madrid Airport
Organizers: RCCC, IIED, FAO, GRP, IDRC, UN DRR and the V20/G20 InsuResilience Global Partnership for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance
Description: Development and Climate (D&C) Days 2019 in Madrid will be a day of informal discussion and dialogue linking climate change and development. The NAP Global Network will be co-organizing multiple sessions as part of D&C Days, including:
- 10:30-11:45 | Early warning systems and early action
- 12:15-1:30 | Farm to Table Adaptation: Working with the private sector in adaptation across agricultural value chains
- 12:15-1:30 | Gender-responsive climate finance
Enhancing the engagement of the private sector in adaptation planning and implementation
When: 13:15–14:45, Monday, December 9
Where: Room 6
Organizer: UNFCCC Secretariat
Description: This side event aims to advance the work on engagement by validating an upcoming toolkit, prepared in collaboration with the NAP Global Network and Winrock International, which enables policy-makers to more effectively collaborate with the private sector, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), in adaptation planning and implementation.
Climate Change Adaptation in a Multi-Level Governance Context
When: 15:00–16:30, Monday, December 9
Where: Room 5
Organizer(s): Regions4, Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII)
Description: National institutions can support adaptation and risk reduction processes, but many of the policies involved in climate adaptation are decided at subnational scales. The event will present findings and experiences on adaptation, as well as disaster risk financing as a multi-level governance challenge.
Gender Day
When: 14:00—16:00, Tuesday, December 10
Where: Gender Marketplace
Organizer: UNFCCC Secretariat
Description: The NAP Global Network will host a booth to discuss our work on gender-responsive NAP processes.
Financing NAP Processes: Strategies and case studies for engaging the private sector
When: 15:00–16:30, Tuesday, December 10
Where: Room 6
Organizers: Winrock International, Government of Viet Nam
Description: Panelists from developing countries and implementation partners will present strategies for and lessons learned from engaging the private sector in the development, financing, and implementation of their National Adaptation Plans.
A Gender-Responsive Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs): Launch of a new toolkit
When: 10:30–11:30, Tuesday, December 10
Where: UNFCCC Pavilion
Organizers: LEG, AC, NAP Global Network
Description: This event will launch a toolkit designed to support country efforts to pursue a gender-responsive NAP process. This toolkit is a joint publication of the Adaptation Committee (AC) and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and NAP Global Network.
Raising Ambition for Climate Action—The importance of capacity building
When: 17:30–18:30, Tuesday, December 10
Where: 2nd Capacity-building Hub
Organizers: UNFCCC Secretariat
Description: This event will feature a panel discussion on the importance of raising ambition for climate action through different lenses, and how capacity-building fits and feeds the following four topics: adaptation, mitigation, education, and private sector engagement.
3rd Informal Dialogue on Adaptation: Closing the implementation gap
When: 15:00–16:00, Wednesday, December 11
Where: NDC Partnership Pavilion
Organizers: World Resources Institute, NAP Global Network
Description: This event will allow NDCP members and other countries and stakeholders to highlight opportunities to put adaptation planning into motion and show that implementation is happening. It should encourage all NDCP members and other stakeholders to strengthen their adaptation policies and help ensure that adaptation plans are being implemented. This event allows for in-depth conversation on links between planning and implementation of adaptation on two critical topics: building coastal resilience and mainstreaming adaptation for human health.