At the UN Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB60) in June 2024, countries will initiate the assessment of their progress in formulating and implementing their NAPs. This assessment aims to evaluate the extent to which the NAP process has contributed toward enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience, and reducing vulnerability to climate change. Countries aim to adopt a decision on the result of this assessment at COP 29.
What is the Assessment of Progress in the NAP Process?
When the NAP process was first established in 2010, countries decided to monitor and evaluate progress made on the NAP process and how it contributes to enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience, and reducing vulnerability to climate change. Countries were not able to make this assessment in 2015 and 2018 due to a lack of available information and the ongoing formulation of many countries’ NAPs. Thus, at COP 26 in Glasgow, countries decided to launch this assessment with an aim to come to a conclusion at COP 29 in 2024.
Why is this Assessment of Progress important?
This assessment represents an opportunity to 1) recognize developing countries’ adaptation efforts and their progress in achieving the objectives of their NAPs; 2) allow the global-level assessment on whether the NAP process is contributing to the Global Goal on Adaptation (Article 7.1 of the Paris Agreement); 3) share experiences, best practices, lesson learned, and gaps and needs for mutual learning and reflection, as well as the enhancement of countries’ respective NAP process.
How can your NAP teams contribute to this assessment?
There are multiple ways countries are able to contribute information to this NAP Assessment.
First, countries are invited to submit to the UNFCCC Submission Portal information on their progress toward the achievement of the objectives of the NAP process, as well as their experience, best practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs, and support provided and received, by February 1, 2024. If countries have a NAP Progress Report on hand, they may submit their progress report as input to this NAP Assessment.
Second, countries are invited to submit information via an online questionnaire on the NAP Central before February 1, 2024 (to contribute to the NAP Assessment in 2024) or on an ongoing basis.