Compendium: The USAID Climate-Resilient Development Project
The Climate Change Resilient Development (CCRD) project was a four-year project (2011-2015) implemented under the leadership of the Global Climate Change Office in the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment (E3). The project goal was to “enhance resilience of developing country peoples, assets, and livelihoods through improved design of USAID programs and increased capacity to respond to climate change impacts.”
This USAID CCRD Compendium has been prepared to describe CCRD activities, products, findings, and key accomplishments. It also provides links to connect USAID Bureaus and Missions and international practitioners to the large library of project resources, including tools, guidance, training materials, technical reports, and journal articles. In addition, the CCRD team provided some suggestions for future work to advance USAID’s development first approach to climate adaptation.
Publisher: USAID