Saint Lucia’s Resilient Ecosystems Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan (REASAP) 2020–2028
Under the National Adaptation Planning Process
The Government of Saint Lucia recognizes climate change as a major national challenge and has taken considerable measures to identify and address, to the extent possible, current and future climate risks at the policy and operational levels.
This document is the fourth National Adaptation Plan (NAP) strategy prioritized in 2017. It was designed on a similar temporal framework for the initiation of action to safeguard Saint Lucia’s natural capital from the impacts of climate change, while harnessing the country’s biodiversity, ecosystems, and ecosystem services to reduce vulnerability and build resilience.
The Resilient Ecosystems Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2028 (REASAP) is the product of in-depth contextual analysis to define the most effective solutions to the country’s biodiversity, ecosystems, and ecosystem management challenges under a changing climate. It consists of 58 adaptation measures deemed critical for strengthening the resilience of natural systems and accelerating the implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation approaches to build climate resilience across Saint Lucia’s society.
Related content:
- sNAPshot | Saint Lucia’s Resilient Ecosystems Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan (REASAP) 2020–2028
- Saint Lucia’s Portfolio of Project Concept Notes for Resilient Ecosystems 2020–2028
- Saint Lucia’s Climate Change Research Strategy 2020-2030
- Saint Lucia’s Climate Change Research Policy 2020-2030
- sNAPshot | Saint Lucia’s Climate Change Research Policy and Strategy
- Saint Lucia’s Climate Financing Strategy
- Saint Lucia’s Private Sector Engagement Strategy
- Saint Lucia’s Climate Change Communications Strategy
- Guidelines for the Development of Sectoral Adaptation Strategies and Action Plans (SASAPs): Saint Lucia’s Experience under the NAP Process
Publisher: Government of Saint Lucia