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Short-Term Consultancy: Development of Saint Lucia’s Second Progress Report on the implementation of the Country’s NAP process
March 2025–September 2025
In 2022, Saint Lucia submitted its first NAP Progress Report and Adaptation Communication covering progress from 2018 to 2021. Six years into NAP implementation, there is a need to measure and document the next phase of progress—from 2022 to 2024—to maintain momentum, showcase achievements, and identify persistent barriers. The second NAP Progress Report will
- track and assess progress in implementing climate adaptation measures;
- highlight key achievements and identify ongoing challenges;
- recommend actionable strategies for improvement, emphasizing data-driven M&E;
- ensure alignment with national, regional, and global climate adaptation goals, including the global goal on adaptation (GGA);
- strengthen quantitative data collection, introduce a “traffic light” system for measuring progress, and categorize achievements in key areas such as data, awareness, research, capacity, institutions, policy, and implementation; and
- design a simplified NAP M&E Framework
Objective of the Assignment
The overall objective of this assignment is to assess, document, and communicate the progress made in implementing Saint Lucia’s NAP for the period 2022–2024 while incorporating recommendations for
- enhanced quantitative data collection and analysis,
- a “traffic light” or other qualitative system for progress measurement, and
- categorizing progress in areas such as data, awareness, research, capacity, institutional, policy, and implementation.
The final output will be a comprehensive second NAP Progress Report that guides stakeholders in refining and prioritizing adaptation interventions.
Required qualifications:
- Master’s degree in a relevant field (e.g., public policy or other related social science discipline).
- Demonstrated expertise in climate change adaptation and the NAP process. Experience in climate adaptation in Small Island Developing States, and particularly Saint Lucia, is a strong asset.
- Strong research and writing skills.
- Strong workshop organization and facilitation skills.
- Fluency in English (spoken and written).
- Experience with stakeholder engagement.
Reporting and work arrangement:
- The Consultant will work closely with the Department of Sustainable Development, Government of Saint Lucia, and with the NAP Global Network, who will provide technical guidance for the project.
- The Consultant(s) must have his/her/their own computer equipment, as well as the appropriate software to carry out the activities provided for in these Terms of Reference. The Consultant is expected to work remotely but must be available for meetings and workshops as required.
Application Process
To apply for this consultancy, please submit a cover letter, CV, and your financial proposal to: info@napglobalnetwork.org
In your application, please clearly demonstrate how you meet the criteria outlined above.
Application deadline: March 19, 2025
Start date: March 24, 2025
Location: Saint Lucia
Read Terms of Reference
Needs Assessment and Loss and Damage Strategy and Action Plan for Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia is highly vulnerable to climate change due to its small geographical area, which means that disasters often have country‐wide impacts. It is located along the Atlantic Hurricane corridor and depends on economic sectors directly affected by climate variability and change, such as tourism and agriculture. While the country’s contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions (and thus to human‐induced climate change) is negligible, the island faces the prospects and is already experiencing the impacts of sea level rise, recurrent drought, stronger rainfall events, and more intense hurricanes. While there are limits to the protection that adaptation can provide, these changes represent major threats to national development and economic growth and will increasingly affect every aspect of life on the island if no effective, timely adaptation measures are implemented.
Under the context of the broader readiness grant being implemented by GOSL and IISD, the objective of this assignment will be to identify/determine/establish1, as appropriate, a baseline understanding of the critical limits to adaptation through a needs assessment, focused on all priority sectors identified in Saint Lucia’s NAP.
Desired Skills and Qualifications
The consultant is expected to have the following experience and qualifications:
- An advanced degree, Master’s or higher, in climate change, international development, environmental science or an equivalent relevant area.
- At least 10 years work experience in the fields of climate change adaptation, climate risks, loss and damage, preferably within a Caribbean/Small Island Developing State context.
- Extensive, proven understanding of climate change adaptation and the limits to adaptation, including understanding of comprehensive risk management (including risk transfer), extreme vs. slow onset events, non-economic losses and human mobility, including migration, displacement and planned relocation.
- Good knowledge of the Caribbean SIDS context, including governance, climate change, disaster risk management, and environmental policy processes. Experience working with a variety of stakeholders in Saint Lucia, the Caribbean, or Small Island Developing States (SIDS) would be an asset.
- Proven ability to facilitate stakeholder consultations.
- Demonstrated strong analytical, communication and report writing skills.
Application Process
Suitably qualified individuals are invited to submit their application, including the following documents:
- Cover letter presenting the motivation and detailing relevant qualifications, experience, and professional networks (4 pages maximum)
- Financial proposal
- Contact details of two professional references
All submissions must be in English. Applications will only be accepted via email sent directly to info@napglobalnetwork.org, with the subject: Needs Assessment and Loss and Damage Strategy and Action Plan – Saint Lucia – [Your Name].
If you are selected for the consultancy, you may be required to provide proof of recent consultancy contract. The deadline for submission is March 12, 2025, at or before 11:59 p.m. EST.
Read the Terms of Reference.
Short-term Consultancy: Photo and Film Essay on National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NAP) Implementation in Palau
February 2025
The NAP Global Network will support the Government of Palau to take this communications strategy forward by preparing a photo essay on how the NAP process is advancing its national priorities for climate change adaptation.
The purpose of this project is to prepare video and photo stories with compelling visuals to demonstrate the impact that adaptation actions have supported communities in Palau to build climate resilience.
The photographer will undertake photo assignments and conduct interviews profiling stories of how Palau is building its first National Adaptation Plan, through a participatory process and highlighting bottom-up adaptation actions. The stories to be profiled will be selected by the Government of Palau and the NAP Global Network. They will highlight the adaptations needs for a country that is at the frontlines of climate threats such as sea level rise, coral bleaching, heat waves and how Palau’s NAP process is critical inleading to positive change (i.e., reduced vulnerability, reduced exposure to climate risk, enhanced adaptive capacity, climate resilience being built).
The required qualifications are:
- Expertise in storytelling through photography, videography, journalism.
- Experience providing training and mentoring in photography, videography, and storytelling.
- Proficiency with cameras, lighting, and microphones. Having access to necessary equipment an asset.
- Familiarity with climate change adaptation and associated concepts.
- Strong communication skills in English are essential.
Application process:
- To apply for this consultancy, please submit a cover letter, portfolio, CV (maximum 4 pages), and your financial proposal for this assignment to: info@napglobalnetwork.org
- In your application, please clearly demonstrate how you meet the criteria outlined above.
Application deadline: Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis.
Location: Palau
Read the Terms of Reference.
En el año 2022, Paraguay presentó su segunda edición del Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático (PNACC 2022-2030). Su objetivo es “promover la acción coordinada de los distintos actores para hacer frente a los efectos del cambio climático en el país, facilitando la integración de la adaptación, de manera coherente en políticas, programas y proyectos en los sectores relevantes y en los niveles requeridos en el plano nacional” (MADES, 2022).
Con el propósito de monitorear el comportamiento y las tendencias de los fenómenos climáticos, así como de diseñar escenarios climáticos, el Visor de Adaptación al Cambio Climático de Paraguay fue concebido como una herramienta fundamental con el objetivo de proporcionar información precisa y rigurosa que fortalezca la implementación de estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático, basadas en un sólido fundamento científico. De esta manera, la acción coordinada que busca el PNACC estará basada en datos concretos y fundamentados. El Visor se compone de tres elementos: a. escenarios climáticos, b. análisis de vulnerabilidad, y c. el visor del estado del clima – tendencias e impactos.
En este contexto, el Programa de Apoyo en el País de Paraguay respalda la actualización del Visor del Estado del Clima, por medio de un análisis de la tendencia de los fenómenos climáticos al 2023 y sus impactos en los sectores prioritarios de la Primera Comunicación de Adaptación. Estos resultados se convertirán en importantes herramientas para fortalecer la implementación de mejores y más acertadas acciones de adaptación ante el cambio climático con rigor científico.
La persona a cargo del liderazgo técnico supervisará a los contratistas expertos del Programa de Apoyo en el País de Paraguay, acordando un programa de trabajo con la Dirección Nacional de Cambio Climático (DNCC) del MADES, y asegurando calidad y apoyo técnico a los entregables de los contratistas. También, supervisará las actividades de conocimiento, comunicaciones y talleres relacionados con el proyecto. Así mismo, hará un seguimiento de los resultados e impactos, y documentará lecciones y buenas prácticas relacionadas, manejará todo el sistema de archivo para los legajos dentro de la DMH/MADES en línea con los procesos del Plan Nacional de Adaptación que se puedan compartir con el NAP GN y demás actores interesados.
Las actividades específicas que realizará incluyen:
- Asistir a la DMH y a la DNCC en las tareas relacionadas al proyecto.
- Planificar con su superior, acciones en base a las actividades asignadas.
- Participar de la selección de contratistas en colaboración con la DNCC.
- Realizar las coordinaciones necesarias con la DNCC y los contratistas para asegurar el éxito del proyecto, incluyendo verificación y aprobación del plan de trabajo, calendario de reuniones y metodologías a utilizar.
- Brindar apoyo técnico y orientación, asegurando la alineación con las buenas prácticas internacionales en adaptación y procesos de PNA, y facilitando el acceso a apoyo técnico por parte de expertos del IISD.
- Dar seguimiento a la entrega de productos según el cronograma del plan de trabajo.
- Proporcionar insumos al equipo de comunicación del NAP GN sobre actividades relacionadas con el proyecto.
- Contribuir a la gestión del conocimiento del Secretariado de la Red Global de PNA sobre procesos de PNA documentando lecciones y buenas prácticas que surjan de las actividades del programa, y siguiendo los resultados e impactos del apoyo de la Red Global de PNA.
- Representar al NAP GN en reuniones y talleres a lo largo del proyecto conforme sea necesario.
- Trabajar en estrecha colaboración con el punto focal designado por la DNCC del MADES y de la DMH/DINAC así como el equipo de especialistas que el NAP GN, tenga a bien incluir.
- Preparar gacetilla de prensa, minutas de reuniones realizadas
- Llevar un registro digital y/o físico de todas las tareas encomendadas, garantizando así la sostenibilidad de la iniciativa una vez culminado el proyecto
- Levantar las líneas rojas en el marco del desarrollo del proyecto que deberá ser alertado a su superior y a la DNCC del MADES.
- Impulsar un convenio específico entre DMH/DINAC y DNCC/MADES en el marco del presente proyecto.
- Una vez terminado el proyecto sus resultados deben ser plasmados en las páginas instituciones de la DINAC y el MADES.
- Preparar informes para el donante sobre las actividades del programa.
Reporte de la consultoría
La persona consultora reportará al NAP GN a través de su Asesor Senior de Políticas en Gobernanza de Adaptación al Cambio Climático, Mauricio Luna Rodríguez.
Fecha de inicio: Tan pronto como sea posible
Fecha de finalización: 10 meses corridos posteriores al inicio de la consultoría.
Consulte los Términos de Referencia.