The NAP Global Network convenes Peer Learning Forums (PLFs) to facilitate South-South peer learning and exchange on the challenges and opportunities associated with national adaptation planning and action.
These Forums convene teams of adaptation policy-makers and practitioners across multiple sectors from developing countries in all regions, alongside bilateral development partners and technical experts.
Peer Learning Forums build on the Network’s original flagship Targeted Topics Forums (TTFs), which ran from 2015 to 2019. TTFs used a ‘cohort’ model, in which representatives from the same group of countries came together annually over four years to address a sequence of pre-agreed topics on the NAP process, while PLFs are more open, stand-alone events structured around a theme.
Past Peer Learning Forums
More Ways Get Involved in Peer Learning Through the Network
Interested in learning more about NAP processes from around the world? Here are some ways you can get involved in peer learning and exchange through the NAP Global Network.