Liberia’ s First Adaptation Communication to UNFCCC
Liberia’s ADCOM contributes to strengthening adaptation action and support for Liberia; enhancing learning and understanding of adaptation needs and actions; and enhancing the visibility and profile of adaptation, as well its balance with mitigation.
This ADCOM provides a summary of Liberia’s national circumstances with respect to the current climate and projections of future trends; and reviews the country’s climate vulnerability, risks and impacts. In addition, the ADCOM highlights Liberia’s adaptation priorities; implementation and support needs; recent adaptation actions; monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of adaptation action; and plans and goals for the country’s key adaptation sectors: agriculture, coastal zones, health, forestry and fisheries.
Liberia’s ADCOM was prepared with assistance from the NAP Global Network via financial support from the financial support of the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
Publisher: Government of Liberia