NAP Align: Recommendations for aligning national adaptation plan processes with development and budget planning
NAP Align is an analysis tool designed to help countries align their national adaptation plan (NAP) processes with their overall national development goals. It forms a supplement to the NAP technical guidelines developed by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group and provides further details of several steps outlined in the technical guidelines. NAP Align highlights the importance of taking both the planning procedures and the budgeting framework of the country into consideration in the earliest stages of the NAP process.
NAP Align is targeted at various practitioners involved in the NAP process, including NAP multisectoral coordination committees, task forces and working groups. It assists them in analysing the individual country’s development planning and budgeting processes to find entry points for the alignment of NAP. It also describes the links between planning and budgeting cycles, particularly those regarded as central to adaptation planning.
Publisher: GIZ