Reporting on Progress in National Adaptation Plan Processes
An analysis
As a medium- to long-term response to the climate crisis and to enhance adaptation action, many countries are developing and implementing National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and designing monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems to track progress under their NAP processes. However, despite the urgent need to see results and understand the progress made on adaptation, few countries currently track and report on their NAP implementation. This is largely due to limited resources, capacity constraints and a lack of clear guidance on how to report progress on adaptation.
Progress reporting is a critical element of the NAP process that helps facilitate its regular tracking and continuous enhancement of adaptation planning and implementation.
The NAP Global Network prepared this analysis to provide insights into and practical examples of progress reporting with the intent to encourage its adoption as an integral part of countries’ NAP processes. Based on a review of NAP progress reports, this report analyzes various methods countries use to track their adaptation progress and highlights important lessons and good practices. The report seeks to assist NAP country teams and other stakeholders involved in developing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and learning from the NAP process, as well as development partners.
Related content
- Approaches to Progress Reporting on NAP Implementation
- Albania’s National Adaptation Plan: First progress report
- Webinar | Approaches to Progress Reporting on NAP Implementation
Publisher: International Institute for Sustainable Development