Republic of Namibia: First Adaptation Communication
Namibia's Climate Change Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC
Namibia’s first Adaptation Communication showcases those climate change adaptation actions still in need of support, and the progress the country has made thus far in the implementation of its adaptation programmes. The document highlights that:
- Adaptation is of primary importance to the country and is high on the government’s agenda to guarantee the welfare of the people while reducing risks and building
- Adaptation to climate change is carried out by various actors such as government, agencies, the private sector, civil society and at the household level, with the inclusion of gender, youth and marginalized communities encouraged in all adaptation
- Adaptation to climate change presents Namibia with an opportunity to transform the economy, strengthen the social and spatial fabric, and become more competitive in the global
- Namibia requires funding, capacity development and technology transfer in order to fully implement the adaptation measures found in its Nationally Determined Contribution and AdCom.
This AdCom was developed with assistance from the NAP Global Network Secretariat, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), via the financial support of the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO).
Publisher: Government of the Republic of Namibia