Webinar | Preview of NAP Trends
A platform analyzing the latest information and trends in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
Webinar Recording | Presentation | Quiz Participation and Results | Related Resources

NAP Trends, an initiative of the NAP Global Network, aims to share key information on NAPs, making it easily accessible for the adaptation community. The platform provides concise summaries of key information in NAP documents, as well as analysis of trends across countries. It is based on systematic reviews of NAP documents submitted to NAP Central, the portal for NAPs communicated to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
A total of 129 developing countries have initiated their NAP process. As more NAPs are submitted to the UNFCCC, we are systematically reviewing them, compiling summaries, and tracking trends in how countries are approaching different aspects of the NAP process.
On February 10, 2022, the NAP Global Network hosted a preview event for the brand-new NAP Trends website and tested participants knowledge on NAP themes and key statistics with a NAP Trends quiz.

Learn how to navigate the NAP Trends website by watching the video below or reading the presentation slides.
Enter the NAP Trends platform here.
Webinar Recording

Presentation Slides
Download the presentation slides.
Quiz Participation and Results
Related Resources
- NAP Trends
- The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Process: Frequently Asked Questions
- NAP Central, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) NAP portal