Webinar | Unveiling the Toolkit for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for National Adaptation Plan Processes
This webinar launched the new Toolkit for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) for National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes jointly developed by the NAP Global Network and the Adaptation Committee. During the session, panelists explained the importance of MEL systems for NAP processes and walked us through the content of the toolkit and features. The session also included Senegal’s experience of developing their national MEL system, and the challenges in implementing it. A panel of speakers and of the toolkit’s co-authors responded to questions from our participants on the toolkit and on MEL systems.
- Britta Horstmann, Co-Chair, Adaptation Committee
- Emilie Beauchamp, Lead on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for Adaptation, NAP Global Network
- Dieynaba Sow & Dibor Sarr, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Senegal
Reports and Other Publications
- Download the new Toolkit for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for National Adaptation Plan Processes
- Read our blogs to learn more about why does MEL matter and the importance of visualizing monitoring, evaluation, and learning in NAP Processes
- The NAP Global Network’s latest report on Integrating Learning into the NAP Process and the analysis on Reporting on Progress in National Adaptation Plan Processes
- Learn more about UNFCCC Adaptation Committee
Publisher: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)