Eswatini Outreach Programme: Strengthening Adaptation and Traditional Knowledge Systems to Enhance Resilience

Strengthening Adaptation and Traditional Knowledge Systems to Enhance Resilience View the story Introduction Outreach Programme Public Awareness Stakeholder Mapping and Engagement  Traditional and Indigenous Knowledge  Case Studies Key Findings References Eswatini Outreach Programme Strengthening Adaptation and Traditional Knowledge Systems to Enhance Resilience By Samkele Tfwala, Sizwe Mabaso, Minky Groenewald and Khetsiwe Khumalo | Photos by Thembelihle […]

Scaling up Climate Resilience in Benin: The launch of the country’s first National Adaptation Plan

By Patrick Guerdat and Cesar Henrique Arrais | Videos and interviews by William Appolinaire TCHOKI and Fulbert ADJIMEHOSSOU

Submitted to UNFCCC on July 08, 2022, Benin’s first NAP defines a clear set of adaptation actions to enhance the resilience in eight key sectors: agriculture, water resources, health, coastal zones, forestry, energy, infrastructures and urban development, and tourism. We looked into some adaptation actions already successfully implemented in the country.

Scaling up Climate Resilience in Benin: The launch of the country’s first National Adaptation Plan

View the story Scaling up Climate Resilience in Benin: The launch of the country’s first National Adaptation Plan By Patrick Guerdat and Cesar Henrique ArraisVideos and interviews by William Appolinaire TCHOKI and Fulbert ADJIMEHOSSOU Thomas KPONOU, a teacher from the Aguégués lakeside community (located between Porto-Novo and Cotonou, Benin’s two largest cities) remembers the historic […]

Les progrès réalisés dans l’avancement de processus de PNA qui répondent aux questions de genre : nos réponses à vos questions

Julie Dekens

Le 16 avril 2020, le Réseau mondial de PNA a organisé un webinaire sur Les progrès réalisés dans l’avancement de processus de PNA qui répondent aux questions de genre. Durant ce webinaire, vous avez été nombreux à nous envoyer vos questions. Cet article offre nos réponses à certaines d’entre elles. La première partie aborde les […]