Brazil Improves the Adaptive Capacity of Agricultural Production Systems to Prepare for Climate Change

Brazil Improves the Adaptive Capacity of Agricultural Production Systems to Prepare for Climate Change View the story Brazil Improves the Adaptive Capacity of Agricultural Production Systems to Prepare for Climate Change By Fernanda Garcia Sampaio, Eleneide Doff Sotta, Mirella Souza Nogueira, Juliana Bragança Campos and William Goulart The vulnerability of the Brazilian agriculture sector to […]

A Great Year for National Adaptation Planning and the Network to Watch in 2022

View the story A Great Year for National Adaptation Planningand the Network to Watch in 2022 By Catherine Burge, IISD Photo: Winnipeg, Matthew TenBruggencate, IISD. Photo: Winnipeg, Matthew TenBruggencate, IISD. A new sense of urgency for climate action is being felt all around the world. We spent the year watching climate disasters cause heartbreaking scenes […]

Civil Society and the Private Sector: Two essential partners for a successful NAP process in Haiti

By Patrick Saint-Pré, Communications Consultant

Over the past 20 years, Haiti has been one of the three countries most affected by extreme weather events, which are likely to increase given the current rate of global warming. In an attempt to resolve this situation, Haiti launched a NAP process in August 2019 to increase the resilience of the country’s strategic economic sectors.

Adaptation: From Planning to Action

Highlights and images of main proceedings for November 8 at COP 26

This event brought together donors and developing countries to discuss adaptation progress and needs, as well as announcements of new funding to increase support for developing countries in achieving their adaptation goals.

Adaptation Communication Update Series: Haiti and Burkina Faso

Leveraging the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process

In the case of the 19 countries who are receiving guidance from the NAP Global Network in building their first ADCOM, a common theme emerges as they continuously refer to and leverage the country’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process.