The Guinean government has validated a new study to advance the integration of gender issues related to climate change adaptation into its National Adaptation Planning process.
A gender analysis developed with the support of the NAP Global Network, through the U.S. In-Country Support Program for Guinea, was validated during a national workshop in Conakry on July 4. Hosted by the Guinean Ministry of Environment, Water and Forestry, the event brought together over 50 representatives from the ministries of Agriculture, Mines, Health and Education, as well as stakeholders from universities and civil society.
The study, Pour un processus de Plan National d’Adaptation (PNA) qui réponde aux questions de genre en Guinée, was conducted by NAP Global Network consultant Vonifanja Andrianaonitsoa. The research aimed to deepen knowledge about the links between gender and climate change adaptation in Guinea and to draw lessons for work toward a gender-responsive NAP process.

“The main result of the study is the observation that the Gender and Equity Services and the Climate Change/Environment Focal Points, both located in some sectoral ministries, need to be reinvigorated. Their capacities respectively on gender and on climate change need to be built, and networking between the two should be facilitated to start establishing the linkages between gender and climate change issues,” explained Andrianaonitsoa. “Therefore, the goal of this study is to call on different stakeholders, in particular the Ministry of Environment and the National Directorate for Women and Childhood Promotion, to think about this gap.”
Moussa Keita, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forestry, told Radio Environnement Guinée that the results of the study will allow the government to support and finance projects for a gender-responsive NAP process.
Find out more about NAP Global Network U.S. In-Country Support Program for Guinea
Learn more about gender-responsive NAP processes:
- Pour un processus de Plan National d’Adaptation (PNA) qui réponde aux questions de genre en Guinée
- Conducting Gender Analysis to Inform National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes: Reflections from six African countries
- Infographic | Addressing Gender Equality in Climate Change Adaptation
- Infographic | Acting on the Gender Action Plan (GAP)