Ghana’s Private Sector Engagement Strategy for the National Adaptation Plan
The Government of Ghana has recognized the implications of climate change for its national development. In response, it has taken various actions to support planning for adaptation to climate change through a number of existing policies, strategies, and initiatives.
In order to enhance adaptation planning, and recognizing the crucial role that the private sector can play in that field, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ghana has led the preparation of the country’s Private Sector Engagement Strategy on Climate Change Adaptation.
The goal of the NAP private sector engagement strategy is to enhance private sector engagement in climate change action in Ghana. The document considers the role of the private sector in both NAP planning/development and its implementation. It identifies a number of key private sector stakeholders to involve in NAP implementation and lays out how to best engage them. It also considers how strategic alliances can be developed, including through public–private partnerships.
Related content:
- Ghana’s Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan for the Infrastructure Sector
- Ghana’s National Adaptation Plan Framework
- Ghana, Nigeria and Botswana Share Lessons on National Visions for Adaptation at COP 25
- Ghanaian Stakeholders Validate Two Key NAP Process Strategies on Private Sector Engagement and Adaptation in the Infrastructure Sector
- Ghana Hosts High-Level Regional Consultations on National Adaptation Planning
Publisher: Government of Ghana