Webinar | International Public Finance for the NAP Process
This webinar explores how can countries mobilize domestic public finance to help develop and implement their NAP processes.
You can watch a recording and review the webinar’s presentations below.
- Overview of international public finance for the NAP process (Jo-Ellen Parry, IISD, NAP Global Network Secretariat)
- Green Climate Fund support for NAP processes (Jason Spensley, Green Climate Fund’s Project Preparation Facility and Adaptation Planning support programme)
- Country experience with international public finance in Ethiopia (Asrat Yirgu Senato, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Ethiopia)
- Q&A
- Next steps and closing
A Financing Perspective on the NAP Process | Jo-Ellen Parry, IISD
Status of GCF support, review criteria and observations from progress to date | Jason Spensley, Green Climate Fund
Lessons from Ethiopia on International Public Finance for the NAP Process | Asrat Yirgu Senato, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Ethiopia