Scaling up Climate Resilience in Benin: The launch of the country’s first National Adaptation Plan

By Patrick Guerdat and Cesar Henrique Arrais | Videos and interviews by William Appolinaire TCHOKI and Fulbert ADJIMEHOSSOU

Submitted to UNFCCC on July 08, 2022, Benin’s first NAP defines a clear set of adaptation actions to enhance the resilience in eight key sectors: agriculture, water resources, health, coastal zones, forestry, energy, infrastructures and urban development, and tourism. We looked into some adaptation actions already successfully implemented in the country.

Brasil Avanca no Fortalecimento da Capacidade de Adaptação dos Sistemas Agropecuários de Produção às Mudanças Climáticas

Brasil Avança no Fortalecimento da Capacidade de Adaptação dos Sistemas Agropecuários de Produção às Mudanças Climáticas View the story Brasil Avança no Fortalecimento da Capacidade de Adaptação dos Sistemas Agropecuários de Produção às Mudanças Climáticas Por Fernanda Garcia Sampaio, Eleneide Doff Sotta, Mirella Souza Nogueira, Juliana Bragança Campos e William Goulart A vulnerabilidade do setor […]

Brazil Improves the Adaptive Capacity of Agricultural Production Systems to Prepare for Climate Change

Brazil Improves the Adaptive Capacity of Agricultural Production Systems to Prepare for Climate Change View the story Brazil Improves the Adaptive Capacity of Agricultural Production Systems to Prepare for Climate Change By Fernanda Garcia Sampaio, Eleneide Doff Sotta, Mirella Souza Nogueira, Juliana Bragança Campos and William Goulart The vulnerability of the Brazilian agriculture sector to […]

10 best-bet innovations for agriculture in National Adaptation Plans

By Fabian Verhage, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)

This blog was originally published on CCAFS’s website.  A degree of future climate change is inevitable, making adaptation measures indispensable. However, as many countries already face the challenges of poverty, hunger, gender inequality and unemployment, it is important to align adaptation and development efforts. To support this alignment, the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on […]