Knowledge is Power: Why Information Sharing Is Key to Engaging Businesses in the NAP Process

By Alec Crawford and Clare Church

This is the second of our five-part blog series on engaging the private sector in National Adaptation Planning (NAP) processes. Stay tuned for the third installment of this series on June 19, 2019. To learn more, read our guidance note on the subject. Among a lush stretch of clear lakes, flourishing vegetation and rolling hills, […]

Adaptation Actions in NDC Partnership Plans: Opportunities for Alignment with NAP Processes

By Deborah Murphy, Senior Associate, International Institute for Sustainable Development

This blog post was originally published on NDC Partnership website. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) set out countries’ ambitions for reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to achieve our commitment to the Paris Agreement. Though not mandatory, most countries have also chosen to include information on how they plan to adapt to the impacts of climate change. […]