Over the past few years, the Cambodian Ministry of Environment worked with multiple development partners to develop a Climate Change Strategic Plan. The plan calls for the mainstreaming of adaptation into sectoral plans across the government, providing a solid foundation for a national adaptation plan (NAP) process.
As these efforts move forward, Cambodia will need resources for implementation. USAID and GIZ, on behalf of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, are collaborating on this front, supporting the Cambodian government to mobilize and manage funding for a climate-resilient future. To launch this support and avoid duplicating efforts, the two agencies organized a joint programming mission that included coordination meetings with other NAP actors. Continued collaboration will strengthen the Cambodian government’s capacity to access and channel resources to high-priority adaptation needs.
This early example of donor coordination on support for a NAP process demonstrates the NAP Global Network’s potential to support national adaptation planning through activities in global donor coordination and supporting national level action.