Representatives from ministries and agencies of the Fijian government will meet on February 18 to review and further develop a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework for Fiji’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP). The workshop will take place at the Ministry of Economy in Suva.
Launched in December 2018 during COP 24 in Katowice, Poland, the Fijian NAP document calls for an M&E system for the NAP process in order to assess the implementation and effectiveness of the NAP and its actions, along with supporting the development of its next iteration.
The M&E Framework aims to provide guidance on how a system to comprehensively monitor and evaluate the NAP process should be designed, as well as to encourage government entities, their civil servants and other stakeholders to support its development. It represents the first step in the development of an M&E system for Fiji’s NAP process.
The initiative directly supports the Climate Change and International Cooperation Division (CCICD) of Fiji’s Ministry of Economy, the department responsible for coordinating and facilitating the development and implementation of the NAP process.
The framework was created through an iterative process of national-level literature reviews and a series of consultations (conducted in Suva between July and December 2019) with around 30 stakeholders from 20 government agencies. They took part in an exercise to identify and assess available data/information, which was complemented with relevant knowledge and learning from the international climate change adaptation community and associated M&E efforts.
Technical assistance for the Fijian government to organize the workshop and develop the NAP M&E Framework is delivered via the NAP Global Network’s U.S. in-country support Program for Fiji.