The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network supports developing countries to advance their NAP processes to help accelerate climate change adaptation efforts around the world.

The Network was established in 2014 at the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) in Lima, Peru, initiated by adaptation practitioners from 11 developing and developed countries.

Today, the NAP Global Network connects over 2,700 participants from more than 170 countries working on national adaptation planning and action, and has delivered direct support to more than 60 countries.

The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network supports developing countries to advance their NAP processes to help accelerate climate change adaptation efforts around the world.

The Network was established in 2014 at the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) in Lima, Peru, initiated by adaptation practitioners from 11 developing and developed countries.

Today, the NAP Global Network connects over 2,700 participants from more than 170 countries working on national adaptation planning and action, and has delivered direct support to more than 60 countries.

What We Do

Our Vision and Mission

Our vision is a world where communities and countries—particularly the poorest and most vulnerable—are able to articulate, work toward and realize their development aspirations in a changing climate. This is possible by having robust adaptation planning processes that are:

  • Aligned with development priorities and plans.
  • Effective in channelling resources to the people, places and systems that need them most. 

Our mission is to harness the collective knowledge and resources of governments, practitioners, donors and civil society to build capacities and accelerate the formulation and implementation of NAP processes.

NAP Global Network in Numbers

  • 67

    Countries receiving technical support

  • 14

    Global-level peer learning events

  • 62%

    Proportion of technical support directed to SIDS and LDCs

  • +300

    Knowledge products

Where We Work

How We Work

Key Themes

To date, our work has focused on nine key themes for advancing effective NAP processes. Click on the photos below to explore each theme in more detail.


Climate change adaptation efforts will not be effective or sustainable if they do not consider the differences between women and men. The NAP process presents an opportunity to address gender inequalities.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

National M&E of adaptation looks at progress towards adaptation in a country, including progress in implementing adaptation policies, plans, or interventions, as well as impacts that these may have (also known as adaptation outcomes).

Private Sector Engagement

Governments can strengthen or incentivize private sector engagement in national adaptation planning processes by pursuing tailored activities in information sharing, financing, capacity building, and institutional arrangements (including laws and policies).

Nature-based Solutions

Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA)—a type of nature-based solution (NbS)—can generate social and economic returns and provide multiple benefits including improved health, biodiversity protection, food security, and alternative livelihood opportunities, all of which can build resilience to climate change. Healthy and resilient ecosystems are recognized in various international bodies and agendas, including the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable […]

Vertical integration

Vertical integration is the process of creating intentional and strategic linkages between national and sub-national adaptation planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation.


Adapting to the impacts of climate change in peacebuilding contexts requires strategies to design and implement country-led NAP processes that understand the peace and conflict dynamics.  For conflict-affected countries dealing with national defence issues, the deaths and suffering of their people, and a fragile peace environment, climate change adaptation is rarely, if ever, an immediate […]

Strategic Communications

A strategic approach to communications—in which key messages are tailored for priority audiences and delivered through the most appropriate communications channels to reach those audiences—can improve how governments engage citizens throughout their NAP process.

NDC-NAP Alignment

Alignment of country-level processes to meet the commitments under the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework can increase coherence, efficiency and effectiveness towards development outcomes that are resilient and sustainable.

Sector integration

Integrating climate change adaptation into sectoral planning is one of the main objectives of the NAP process. Impetus for sector integration can be found in different ministries and at different levels depending on the country context.

Network Funders

The NAP Global Network is made possible through the generous financial support provided by:

  • Government of the United States 
  • Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
  • Government of Canada
  • Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs
  • The United Kingdom's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
  • Government of Austria

Find Out More

Read more about our work in our progress report, Learning for Adaptation: 2023 Progress and Learning Report.