Quiz | Innovative Financial Instruments for Climate Change Adaptation

By Deborah Murphy, Senior Associate, NAP Global Network Secretariat (IISD)

Significant financial resources are required now and in the coming decades for people and systems to adapt to a changing climate. Developing countries need about USD 212 billion per year up to 2030 to address their adaptation needs, yet adaptation finance flows were only USD 56 billion in 2021-2022.1 Private sector investment has a pivotal […]

From Blueprint to Reality: Building the foundations for effective national adaptation plan processes with the new MEL Toolkit

Emilie Beauchamp (IISD/NAP GN) and Patrick Pringle (Tonkin + Taylor)

Designed for government teams responsible for leading their country’s NAP processes, the NAP Global Network and Adaptation Committee’s new Toolkit for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) of National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes aims to put the principle of adaptive management at the heart of NAP processes, emphasizing how ongoing learning from MEL is integral to […]

Seven Guiding Principles for Preparing Financing Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Countries

By Deborah Murphy, Senior Associate, NAP Global Network Secretariat (IISD) and Jo-Ellen Parry, Deputy Director, Resilience (IISD)

As developing countries transition from planning to implementation in their National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes, a critical step is securing financing to implement priority adaptation actions articulated through the NAP process. Several developing countries are preparing “financing strategies for adaptation” to set out a coordinated national approach to identify investment priorities and financing approaches for […]

Are We Adapting? 10 lessons from countries tracking progress on their climate change adaptation efforts 

By Patrick Guerdat, Policy Advisor, NAP Global Network, International Institute for Sustainable Development

How do we know if National Adaptation Plans (NAP) are making a dent in reducing vulnerability? NAP progress reports play a critical role in assessing a country’s climate change preparedness and advising on next steps. They consolidate the information gathered from monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) activities and encourage countries to continuously learn, adapt, and improve on their climate change adaptation efforts.

Adaptation in Biennial Transparency Reports: Frequently Asked Questions

By Jeffrey Qi and Emilie Beauchamp

Under the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), countries have the option to report on climate change impacts and share information on adaptation efforts. As many countries are preparing their first Biennial Transparency Report (BTR), the NAP Global Network answers some common questions on how to prepare the adaptation chapter of the BTR and how they can leverage the outputs and results of the National Adaptation Plan processes.

Visualizing Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning in National Adaptation Planning Processes  

By Emilie Beauchamp, Lead, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for Adaptation to Climate Change, NAP Global Network, IISD

Monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems are used to provide a structured approach to monitoring progress, evaluating results, and learning to ensure climate change adaptation strategies are effectively achieving their intended outcomes. This blog builds on what the NAP Global Network has learned about effective NAP processes to identify and explain the basics of a MEL system as part of NAP processes.

Last Call for the Global Stocktake

What you need to know on adaptation before the Technical Dialogue process ends at SB58 in Bonn

The 2023 Bonn Climate Change Conference is the last chance to provide inputs into the Global Stocktake process. What are our expectations on adaptation?