NAP Global Network at COP 23

See also: Multimedia on NAP Process Lessons and Experiences | COP 23 Governments from around the world are meeting in Bonn, Germany from November 6-17 at the 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference to discuss implementation of the Paris Agreement. The NAP Global Network will be playing an active role at COP 23 to highlight successes so […]

Vidéo : Le processus de PNA au Togo pour se préparer aux changements climatiques

Depuis 2014, le Togo a joué un rôle de leader concernant le processus de plan national d’adaptation (PNA). Regardez notre nouvelle vidéo dans laquelle nous parlons avec des représentants gouvernementaux des principaux ministères et du personnel de l’agence bilatérale Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. « Aujourd’hui au Togo, comme dans beaucoup de pays, […]

Interview: Nella Canales on Leveraging Climate Finance for Adaptation in the Pacific

by Christian Ledwell, IISD

Pacific island states are among the world’s most vulnerable to climate change impacts. Given the urgent need to adapt, how effectively are climate finance flows helping Pacific states tackle adaptation? The Stockholm Environment Institute’s recent working paper, Climate Finance in the Pacific: An Overview of Flows to the Region’s Small Island Developing States, analyzed climate […]

Czech Republic to Partner in NAP Global Network

PRAGUE – The Czech Republic has join a network to coordinate their support for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process with eight other bilateral development partner agencies. The NAP Global Network enhance the NAP process and its implementation in developing countries by coordinating bilateral support and in-country actors. The Network involves participants from over 70 […]

Donor Perspective: Why bilateral coordination in the NAP process matters

by Christian Ledwell, IISD

This blog looks at a perspective on bilateral donor coordination in the NAP process based on remarks by John Furlow, Senior Adaptation Advisor with U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), made during a recent webinar held by the NAP Global Network and other NAP Global Network workshops. A key question that underpins why countries are engaging in National Adaptation […]

The Netherlands Joins the NAP Global Network

Dutch join network, launch a Global Centre of Excellence on Climate Adaptation

AMSTERDAM, FEBRUARY 9, 2017 – The Netherlands has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting climate change adaptation planning and action in developing countries. The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network involves participants from over 50 countries, bringing together development partner agencies with adaptation planners from developing countries to enhance the NAP process and it implementation. “We are […]

Year In Review: Six key impacts in 2016

2016 was a landmark year for climate change adaptation. Building on adaptation’s prominent role in the Paris Agreement, 2016 saw unprecedented international political momentum to tackle climate change impacts in vulnerable countries. The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network had an exciting year working to do our part to help move the dial forward on […]

National Adaptation Plan Global Network Announces Five New Partners

MARRAKECH, November 14, 2016—Australia, Austria, Canada, France and the European Commission have joined a network to enhance their support for National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes in developing countries that are preparing for climate change impacts. Through their participation in the NAP Global Network, these countries and the European Commission will coordinate with other bilateral donors […]

Caribbean countries share plans to adapt to climate change

Coverage via Grenada Broadcast Network Television ST GEORGE’S, OCT 12, 2016—Representatives from 10 Caribbean countries and development agency partners will meet in Grenada’s capital of St. George’s this week to discuss strategies to prepare for the impact of climate change. Grenada held the final consultation on its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) on Tuesday, October 11, […]

The UNFCCC National Adaptation Planning Model: A Foundation for Fulfilling Post-2015 Commitments?

by Virginia Wiseman, Thematic Expert for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy, IISD Reporting Services

This article originally appeared as a two-part policy update from IISD Reporting Services (Part I and Part II), providing a technical analysis of the role of the National Adaptation Plan process.  Continue reading “The UNFCCC National Adaptation Planning Model: A Foundation for Fulfilling Post-2015 Commitments?”