Stakeholders from the Peruvian Public Sector Meet in Lima to Advance Country’s NAP Process

Peru kicked off the process to develop its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) document in October 2019. The NAP document is being developed through a participatory process and grounded in five prioritized thematic adaptation sectors set out by the government’s Multisectoral Technical Group in 2018: agriculture, forestry, water, fisheries and aquaculture, and health. Convening Stakeholders From […]

Stories of Progress in NAP Processes in 2019

National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes are the foundation for effective adaptation action. The UN reports that 120 developing countries have now launched NAP processes. This article collects stories from 12 countries that—led by national governments—reached milestones in their NAP processes in 2019 as part of the global effort to build resilience in a changing climate.

Ghana, Nigeria and Botswana Share Lessons on National Visions for Adaptation at COP 25

Adaptation experts from the governments of Ghana, Nigeria and Botswana shared their national visions for adaptation action a COP 25 side event organized by the NAP Global Network at the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Partnership pavilion. The event highlighted the three countries’ experiences with developing their NAP frameworks, focusing on how these documents have advanced […]

Self-Assessment: A Learning Tool for Improving the Effectiveness of NAP Processes

The NAP Global Network’s South–South peer learning events provide a forum for exploring different aspects of the NAP process, focusing on key technical issues that will improve effectiveness. These events have used a variety of methods to support NAP actors from different countries in building their knowledge and learning from one another. Among these, self-assessment […]

Self-Assessment: : A Learning Tool for Improving the Effectiveness of NAP Processes

A learning tool for improving the effectiveness of NAP processes View the story Self-Assessment A learning tool for improving the effectiveness of NAP processes LEA EN ESPAÑOL / LIRE EN FRANÇAIS As countries advance their National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes, they are increasingly concerned with issues of effectiveness in both the NAP process and its […]