The Climate Change Division (CCD) of the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation (MEGJC) is advancing the process to develop a comprehensive National Adaptation Plan for Jamaica. With support from the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the NAP Global Network, the CCD is undertaking a national stocktake exercise of climate change adaptation planning and initiatives in Jamaica. The stocktake exercise will assist in understanding the current landscape of climate adaptation initiatives to identify gaps and opportunities for further action.
One specific intended use is to position Jamaica to better leverage climate finance. The stocktake exercise will inform the development of a readiness proposal to be submitted to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in 2020 for the formulation of a comprehensive National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for Jamaica. This virtual consultation will be one of many consultations to inform the national adaptation planning process.
The objectives of this national stocktaking virtual consultation are as follows:
- To sensitise participants on the adaptation planning process
- To hear, explore, and identify sector priorities and encourage the sharing of adaptation initiatives for the stocktaking exercise
Jamaica’s NAP Progress (2009-2017) To understand and assess capacity constraints to undertake a NAP process
- sNAPshot | Jamaica’s Approach to Initiating Sector Integration of Adaptation Considerations
- Climate Change and Gender Focal Points Workshop in Jamaica
- Webinar | Sector Integration in the NAP Process, with lessons from Jamaica (2017)
- Climate Change and Gender Specialists Meet in Jamaica
- Jamaican Budget, Policy and Planning Officers Receive Training on Budgeting for Climate Change Adaptation
- “Is there a gender issue?”: Lessons from Jamaica’s Workshop on Integrating Gender into the NAP Process