Nigeria is at the beginning of its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, which will build on the country’s National Adaptation Strategy and Plan Action on Climate Change (NASPA-CCN), launched in 2011.
On November 5, the Nigerian Ministry of Environment, through its Department of Climate Change, will host a one-day workshop to validate the country’s NAP framework. Held in Abuja, the event aims to gather feedback from critical national stakeholders in order to improve the quality of the framework.
Developed with support from the NAP Global Network, the purpose of Nigeria’s NAP framework is to guide the government in developing, coordinating and implementing policies, plans and legislation that will help the country to address its medium- and long-term adaptation needs.
More specifically, the NAP framework aims to clarify Nigeria’s approach to its NAP process, including the roles and responsibilities of relevant stakeholders and priority actions to be undertaken. In addition, it brings together various adaptation planning efforts from different sectors and scales of decision-making, aligning the NAP process with existing policies, strategies and adaptation research.
On November 6, the Nigerian Department of Climate Change will host a one-day workshop aimed at equiping experts from various sectors with skills to conduct basic vulnerability assessments and use the data gathered to inform the adaptation actions of their sectors.
Under the NAP process, the Nigerian government is assessing the vulnerability of sectors, regions and communities to identify the extent to which they are affected by the effects of climate change.
Technical assistance for the Nigerian government to develop the NAP Framework and to organize these two workshops is being delivered via the NAP Global Network’s Country Support Hub.