The Government of Ghana, through its Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is working to develop a private sector engagement strategy with a focus on continued National Adaptation Planning (NAP) and implementation. An initial draft of this strategy, developed with the support of the NAP Global Network US In-Country Support Program, will be assessed by key private sector stakeholders during a two-day validation workshop held in Accra on August 27 and 28.
The private sector engagement strategy aims to identify key private sector stakeholders that should be involved in NAP implementation; how they can be best engaged; recommendations on incentives and disincentives; and guidance on strategic alliances, including through public–private partnerships. The initial draft was developed on the basis of desk research and in-country bilateral engagement with a variety of public and private sector actors conducted by Climate Analytics, the experts contracted by the NAP Global Network to support the Ghanaian government in this effort.
The first day of the event will involve bilateral meetings with a series of key private sector stakeholders to collect feedback and additional information on appropriate actors and engagement modalities within Ghana’s private sector.
On the second day, a broader group workshop will take place to validate the draft of the Private Sector Engagement Strategy for Ghana’s NAP.