Media Centre

Our world-class research and experts are often featured in media across the globe.

See below our latest press releases and media coverage about the NAP Global Network.

Opinion: How to build climate-resilient tourism in the Caribbean

For those living in the Caribbean, Hurricane Maria underscored yet again the urgent need to respond to the climate crisis. Two years later and on the heels of further devastation earlier this month by Hurricane Dorian, effective planning for climate change adaptation is increasingly critical.

National Adaptation Plan Workshops Begin

The Ministry of Economy’s Climate Change Division has initiated awareness workshops on Fiji’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP), with the first recently hosted in Lautoka and attended by representatives from Fijian Government departments, municipal councils and NGOs.

Senegal – Second Francophone Forum on the NAP process

Following up on the success of the first Francophone Forum on the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process in Benin in August 2018, the second Forum was held in Dakar, Senegal, from 30 July to 2 August, 2019.

Adaptação às mudanças climáticas: as pessoas em primeiro lugar

A América Latina está reunida esta semana em Salvador, sob os auspícios da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Mudança Climátca (UNFCCC, na sigla em inglês), para debater e – esperamos – agir concretamente sobre a crise climática que tem afetado a todos nós.