Media Centre

Our world-class research and experts are often featured in media across the globe.

See below our latest press releases and media coverage about the NAP Global Network.

Stakeholders Rally For Increased Resources For Climate Adaptation

Stakeholders gathered in Nairobi have rallied for a shift in the allocation of resources within the fight against climate change adaptation, adding that mitigation projects must be balanced with increased support for critical climate adaptation initiatives.

Speaking on Wednesday in Nairobi, Dr Pacifica Ogola Director for Climate Change in the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry, said that Kenya loses 3-5 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per year which is much more than the amount of money invested in adaptation.

Ogola was speaking during the three-day Peer Learning Summit (PLS) on Vertical Integration in the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process by Global Network and the Government of Kenya with support from Global Affairs Canada on Climate change adaptation that brought together 10 countries.

Abt Associates to Lead Localized Climate Support to Countries Through USAID’s Flagship CACCI Program

Rockville, Md.  – The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has issued an award to an Abt-led team to help nations meet the climate commitments they made under the Paris Agreement. USAID’s $49 million five-year Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI) is the agency’s global flagship program to create actionable programs and policies to mitigate and adapt to climate change. CACCI is designed to support nations in their implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) through technical and analytical support, capacity development, and inclusive and evidence-based policy dialogue.

Abt Associates will lead a team—comprised of Abt, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Purdue Applied Research Institute, and World Resources Institute (WRI)—to develop and implement tailored, bold climate policies in partnership with CACCI target countries. The predecessor program, originally launched at COP26, has supported 23 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to date, with plans to further expand under this follow-on program.

“Abt has spent decades working with municipalities to develop localized policy solutions, including in response to the climate crisis,” said Jenn Cisse, Abt’s Director for Climate Adaptation and Resilience. “Collectively—with IISD, Purdue, and WRI—this team has almost 100 years of experience supporting policy reforms and connecting stakeholders working on climate policy and action in more than 150 countries. We’re thrilled to harness this team’s know-how with that of our partner countries. We applaud USAID for their vision because activities of this scale are essential to ensuring global progress on climate adaptation and mitigation.”

Plan régional d’adaptation au changement climatique 2024-2028

L’objectif global de ce PRA est de contribuer au développement durable de la Région du Plateau Central par la réduction de la vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques. Ce PRA devra permettre (i) d’améliorer la résilience des secteurs de production et des populations locales les plus vulnérables et (ii) d’intégrer l’adaptation dans les politiques et plans de développement de la Région du Plateau Central.

EPA, NAP Global Network Take Progressive Steps to Formulate a Communication Strategy

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in collaboration with the National Adaptation Plan Global Network (NAP Global Network) has held a day-long inception workshop for various stakeholders on climate change adaptation.

The workshop focused on arriving at communication strategy for climate change adaptation in Liberia under the National Adaptation Plan.

EPA in collaboration with NAPGN Ends One-day Dialogue aimed at Developing communication strategy to be use in National Adaptation Plan for Liberia.

A one-day debate between the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Adaptation Plan Global Network to create a communication plan for the Liberia National Adaptation Plan has come to an end. The discussion covered identification communication objectives and priority audience. It was financed by the US Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Canadian Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.

Liberian Environmentalist completes Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program (ELP-2023) at University of California, Berkeley in the USA

Liberian environmentalist and climate change professional, who’s also Project Officer in the Department of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and Technical Lead for Liberia’s National Adaptation Plans (NAP) at the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia- Arthur R.M. Becker has successfully completed an intensive three (3) week Executive Course in Sustainable Environmental Management at the University of California-Berkeley (UC Berkeley) in the United States of America.

Arthur R.M. Becker wishes to extend special thanks and appreciation to the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia family headed by Professor Wilson K. Tarpeh, Executive Director/CEO, the magnanimous donors and Programme team of the Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program, including the Dean and staff of the Rausser College of Natural Resources at UC Berkeley and the NAP Global Network for their moral and financial support to enable him participate in this year’s prestigious ELP ‘23’ programme.


Zambia Takes an Inclusive Approach to Developing a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Framework for its National Adaptation Plan

The Zambian NAP process officially launched in April 2021 and aims to establish medium- to long-term priorities for building the country’s climate resilience across nine priority sectors. To ensure effective decision making, Zambia places significant emphasis on monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) as part of its overall performance optimization efforts.

In 2022, the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment (MGEE) initiated MEL system development consultations that led to adjustments documented in a report on the prioritization of adaptation measures. The revised approach includes subnational involvement, aligning with the 8th National Development Plan’s (8NDP’s) focus on environmental and sustainability issues. Consequently, the draft MEL framework developed in June 2022 needed revision to align with NAP reporting requirements and the aspirations outlined in the 8NDP.

This sNAPshot highlights some of the key components in the 2023 revised framework and draws on important lessons learned.

The feminist agenda at the grassroots; advocates tell of experiences

For decades, women-led organisations have worked in the communities to build women’s resilience to the fallout from climate change, promote girls’ access to education and support victims of gender-based violence. We speak with the young and old activists on their experiences working with women.

Angie Dazé has been in the development sector for more than two decades. Currently, she is the director for gender equality and social inclusion for resilience at the International Institute for Sustainable Development, which hosts the secretariat of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network, a movement that advances adaptation planning and action in developing countries through NAP processes.

She says countries are increasingly becoming more responsive to women’s priorities in climate response and mitigation. In developing NAPs, countries depend on the latest climate science to identify specific medium- and long-term adaptation needs for action.

“What we are seeing now is more integration of gender issues,” she says. “At the beginning, we saw women movements positioned as a vulnerable group, now we see more countries position women as agents of change.”

NAP Global Network et ses partenaires valident l’étude sur les questions de genre, ce lundi

NAP Global Network et ses partenaires ont validé, ce lundi, l’étude sur les questions de genre dans le processus du Plan national d’adaptation au Sénégal. L’initiative vise à renforcer les connaissances des acteurs clés, pour intégrer le genre dans ce processus. Le processus PNA est essentiel pour identifier les priorités d’adaptation à long terme et faciliter l’intégration des défis climatiques dans la planification nationale, en vue d’un développement durable. L’étude permettra d’intégrer le genre dans les actions climatiques et d’aider les femmes du secteur environnemental, à faire face aux défis du changement climatique et à améliorer leur cadre de vie.

National Climate Adaptation Plans Must Include Women’s Voices

As the world struggles to catch up with climate change — whether confronting extreme wildfire smoke in the U.S. Northeast, or some of the hottest temperatures on record in Pakistan — each country must grapple with its own particular issues. The United Nations has been working with dozens of countries in creating a National Adaptation Plan (NAP), which means identifying problems — financial, technical, and institutional — and then creating coping strategies to deal with them.

The NAP Global Network, which has multi-country funding and supports the creation of national adaptation plans, has been working with young women, for instance, in Ghana on lifting up their voices on global warming. Together with the nonprofit Lensational, which offers media training to underrepresented women, the network is teaching visual storytelling. One of the Ghanian attendees of a recent workshop emphasized the need to document and appeal to women as the planet changes.


Jamaican women get their say on climate change

A GROUP of Jamaican women are benefiting from Envisioning Resilience, an initiative that is training them in visual storytelling about climate change impacts, while also giving them the chance to advance their own point of view on the required response.

GirlsClimate Action for Resilience and Empowerment (GirlsCARE) is collaborating with the National Adaptation Plan Global Network (NAP-GN) and Lensational to bring the initiative to the local participants.