Media Centre

Our world-class research and experts are often featured in media across the globe.

See below our latest press releases and media coverage about the NAP Global Network.

Adapting to a Changing Climate: How Trade and Trade Policy Can Make a Difference

Traditionally, the trade policy community’s focus when developing responses to the climate crisis has been on climate mitigation. But Trade can also help governments adapt to the climate change impacts that they are already facing, while building their resilience and preparing for those impacts still to come. Four of the NAPs submitted by June 30, 2022, name trade and/or finance as a priority sector, according to the latest data from the NAP Global Network’s NAP Trends database. A 2021 report by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) sets out three overarching pathways where trade could support efforts at climate adaptation.

Nigeria To Scale Up Climate Change Adaptation Efforts

The Minister of Environment, Mohammed Abdullahi, quoting the report of the intergovernmental panel on Climate Change, affirmed that by 2050 many coastal megacities like Lagos, Port Harcourt and other coastal cities in Nigeria will in a century witness weather catastrophes every year affecting millions of people and properties.

He said that Nigeria has taken the bold step to develop Adaptation Communication guided by the NAP Global Network.

Bringing underrepresented women’s voices into planning for climate change adaptation

Meaningful participation by women who are on the front lines of climate change is essential for gender-responsive, locally led adaptation.

However, in many contexts, women remain underrepresented in decision making, from local to national levels. Creative solutions are needed to facilitate dialogue, bridge the gap between different knowledge systems, and ensure that investments in climate action yield equitable benefits for people of all genders and social groups.

National Systems for Adaptation MEL: A Country Dialogue

The global adaptation community is focused on establishing methods for tracking progress on adaptation through mechanisms such as the Glasgow-Sharma-el-Sheikh work program on the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA). However, few countries have fully operationalized national-level monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) adaptation frameworks. Recent research from WRI analyzing the adaptation components of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) finds that less than a quarter of countries refer to adaptation MEL approaches in their updated NDCs.

Mainstreaming gender equality into budgeting and planning processes for climate action

Promisingly, as countries implement their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and their National Adaptation Plans, they are taking steps to address gender. An FAO analysis found that 38 percent of the most recent NDCs reference gender and/or other marginalized groups in the agricultural sectors compared to 9 percent of previous NDCs. According to the NAP Global Network, 97 percent of developing countries that have submitted NAPs are integrating gender, and nearly 2/3 include references to capacity-building activities on the intersection of gender and climate change for government officials and adaptation stakeholders.

Liberia: Liberia Validates Document to Monitor National Adaptation Plan

In 2021, Liberia prepared and submitted its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In 2021, Liberia prepared and submitted its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Ghana Begins a Series of District-Level Vulnerability Assessments to Inform its NAP Document

The Government of Ghana has started a series of district-specific climate change vulnerability assessments across the country as part of its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. The goal of the initiative, supported by the NAP Global Network via its Country Support Hub, is to better understand the impacts of the changing climate at the local level in order to build adaptative capacity and resilience in the context of the forthcoming NAP document.

Aligning Chad’s Nationally Determined Contribution and National Action Plan to Advance Climate Action

Chad is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to the effects of climate change. Because its economy is based mainly on the primary sector, Chad’s reliance on natural resources makes it particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events. In response, Chad submitted its revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and first National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in October 2021. It was not by coincidence that these two key documents for sustainable development were submitted at the same time. The updated NDC, as well as its adaptation actions, was developed in close collaboration with the first NAP.

Ghana begins a series of district-level vulnerability assessments to inform its NAP document

The Government of Ghana has started a series of district-specific climate change vulnerability assessments across the country as part of its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. The goal of the initiative, supported by the NAP Global Network via its Country Support Hub, is to better understand the impacts of the changing climate at the local level in order to build adaptative capacity and resilience in the context of the forthcoming NAP document.

District Climate Vulnerability Assessments begins across Ghana

A district-specific climate change vulnerability assessments programme has been initiated across Ghana as part of Ghana’s National Adaptation Planning (NAP) programme. The initiative which is funded by the NAP Global Network and the International Institute of Sustainable Development is currently underway in some selected districts with a view to cover all districts in the very near future.