Media Centre

Our world-class research and experts are often featured in media across the globe.

See below our latest press releases and media coverage about the NAP Global Network.

Inician campaña sobre cambio climático y acción ciudadana para combatirlo.

Con el objetivo de concientizar a la población sobre el problema y el impacto que genera el cambio climático en el Perú y las acciones que debemos emprender al respecto es que el Ministerio del Ambiente (Minam) puso en marcha la campaña nacional “Cambia el clima, cambio yo.”

Minister Colm Brophy announces €3.5 million in funding to support climate adaptation in developing countries

Today’s funding package announced by Minister Brophy is made up of two elements:

  • €1 million to the National Adaptation Plan Global Network to support national-level adaptation in developing countries; and,
  • €2.5 million to the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), to support adaptation activities in some of the world’s most climate vulnerable countries.

Perú Exhibe al Mundo el Aporte de los Pueblos Indígenas en Metas Climáticas

Entre otros compromisos de la cumbre, el viceministro de Desarrollo Estratégico de los Recursos Naturales del Ministerio del Ambiente, Alfredo Mamani. recalca el importante acuerdo de Perú con la Red Global del Plan Nacional de Adaptación (PNAD) y el Instituto Internacional para el Desarrollo Sostenible (IISD), que ayudará al país “en el monitoreo de los procesos de adaptación”, lo que “va a servir de base para el apalancamiento financiero”.

CAD 10mn from Canada to accelerate climate adaptation

The Canadian government has announced that it will provide 10 million Canadian Dollars (CAD) in funding for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network to support developing countries in accelerating their efforts to build resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Canada to accelerate climate adaptation with $10M funding for NAP

The Canadian government has announced that it will provide C$10 million in funding for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network to support developing countries in accelerating their efforts to build resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Prime Minister Trudeau Concludes Productive United Nations Climate Summit

Up to $10 million for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network, which works with developing countries to address structural drivers of climate vulnerability, as well as to empower women, marginalized groups, and those most affected by climate impacts to participate in the NAP process and shape a country’s adaptation priorities. The Network will continue and expand technical support, innovate and experiment with peer learning, and make knowledge around NAPs more accessible and compelling.

Climate and disaster risk finance and insurance: what works and what doesn’t? A strategic Evidence Roadmap

Climate and disaster risk finance and insurance instruments– such as the insurance protection provided by sovereign risk pools – are gaining attention as key tools to cushion vulnerable people from the impacts of extreme events, not least under the InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP). Evidence of this trend is contained a recent NAP Global Network and IGP report, showing that 90% of national adaptation plans (NAPs) include the intention to use and scale up insurance.