Nigeria’s National Adaptation Plan Framework
This National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Framework aims to facilitate the management of Nigeria’s medium- and long-term adaptation needs in a coherent and coordinated manner. Its purpose is to guide the government and law-makers in developing, coordinating, and implementing the various policies, plans, strategies, and legislation that will enable Nigeria to address its adaptation needs.
Specifically, the objectives of the NAP Framework are to:
- Clarify the country’s approach to its NAP process. This includes articulating the country’s vision of climate change adaptation, its adaptation objectives, the principles that will guide adaptation actions, roles and responsibilities among relevant stakeholders. It is also a reference point for bringing together various adaptation planning efforts from different sectors and scales of decision making (i.e., national, states, and local governments).
- Align the NAP process with existing policies (e.g., Economic Recovery & Growth Plan [ERGP], NASPA-CCN, National Climate Change Policy Response and Strategy [NCCP-RS]), strategies, and adaptation research.
- Focus on specific themes that are particularly relevant and/or unique to Nigeria’s context.
Related content:
- Blog | Making Adaptation More Effective in Nigeria: Nigeria’s NAP process
- Nigeria Validates Its NAP Framework as Government Calls for Decisive Adaptation Action
- Ghana, Nigeria and Botswana Share Lessons on National Visions for Adaptation at COP 25
Publisher: Government of Nigeria