From Blueprint to Reality: Building the foundations for effective national adaptation plan processes with the new MEL Toolkit

Emilie Beauchamp (IISD/NAP GN) and Patrick Pringle (Tonkin + Taylor)

Designed for government teams responsible for leading their country’s NAP processes, the NAP Global Network and Adaptation Committee’s new Toolkit for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) of National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes aims to put the principle of adaptive management at the heart of NAP processes, emphasizing how ongoing learning from MEL is integral to […]

Renforcement de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques au Cameroun : la nécessité d’un système efficace de suivi, d’évaluation et d’apprentissage

Par Mesmin Tchindjang, enseignant et expert en adaptation aux changements climatiques

en prévision de la prochaine mise à jour du PNA, le Cameroun a entrepris une analyse technique avec le soutien du Réseau mondial de PNA en vue d’éclairer la création d’un système de suivi, d’évaluation et d’apprentissage d’adaptation.

Somalia Moves Adaptation Strategies for its Livestock and Fisheries Sectors Forward

Vulnerability assessments and monitoring, evaluation, and learning frameworks were validated as part of the Somali NAP process

Livestock and fisheries sectors are pivotal in the Somali economy and food security. Somalia achieved an important milestone in its NAP process by validating a vulnerability assessment (VA) and a monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) framework for both sectors.

Countries Learn from One Another about the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning of Adaptation 

Representatives from seven African countries explored key challenges in establishing MEL systems and emerging solutions.

Representatives from Botswana, Kenya, Liberia, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Somalia explored key challenges in establishing Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) systems and emerging solutions in a NAP Global Network’s peer learning event.

Scaling up Climate Resilience in Benin: The launch of the country’s first National Adaptation Plan

By Patrick Guerdat and Cesar Henrique Arrais | Videos and interviews by William Appolinaire TCHOKI and Fulbert ADJIMEHOSSOU

Submitted to UNFCCC on July 08, 2022, Benin’s first NAP defines a clear set of adaptation actions to enhance the resilience in eight key sectors: agriculture, water resources, health, coastal zones, forestry, energy, infrastructures and urban development, and tourism. We looked into some adaptation actions already successfully implemented in the country.