Governments from around the world are meeting in Katowice, Poland from December 2 to 14 at the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 24) to discuss climate policy.
Experts from the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network will take part in discussions, promote research and convene events at the conference.
The NAP Global Network Secretariat will be participating in the following events.
Alignment to Advance Climate-Resilient Development: Linking NAPs and NDCs
When: Monday, December 3, 12:00–13:15
Where: NDC Partnership Pavilion
Organizer: NAP Global Network Secretariat, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Description: This session will explore ways to advance implementation of adaptation needs and goals by realizing linkages between the NAP process and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). It will highlight the outcomes of a recent assessment of 15 countries’ perspectives on alignment, focusing on linking NAPs and NDCs as a basis for broader alignment towards climate-resilient development. Following a framing presentation, an interactive panel discussion with short inputs from country representatives and experts will follow as a basis for discussion among participants. Food and refreshments will be served.
Examination of cooperative effort on three global agenda on adaptation Paris Agreement, SDGs and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
When: Tuesday, December 4, 13:00-14:30
Where: Japan Pavilion
Organizer: Overseas Environment Cooperation Center, Japan
Description: This event elaborates the discussion carried out in recent expert meetings and will ask how three global agendas—the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Sendai Framework Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)—can effectively integrate into national actions, local communities and the private sector.
Climate Resilient Development – Comprehensive climate risk management strategies to secure livelihoods for all
When: Thursday, December 6, 12:00–13.30
Where: German Pavilion
Organizer: Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Description: Synergies between international agreements are key to securing livelihoods. Comprehensive climate risk management uses synergies and links climate resilience, adaptation and disaster preparedness.
Driving NDC Implementation – The role of global initiatives and networks
When: Friday, December 7, 12:00–13:30
Where: German Pavilion
Organizer: Germany’s Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Description: This side event brings together high-level political actors from national, multilateral and non-governmental institutions to examine current trends and emerging opportunities for financing and implementing increasingly ambitious NDCs. They will discuss the value of global initiatives and networks (including the NDC Partnership), the impact of large donor programs (including the UNDP NDC Support Program), and the ability to share and build upon experience (including through the IKI Cluster projects). Key topics include governance, alignment, finance (including private sector) and transparency. The format of the event will be an expert-moderated talk show that provides a critical debate that is both reflective and inspiring.
Needs-based Finance (NBF) Project
When: Friday, December 7, 18:30—20:00
Where: Room Bug
Organizer: UNFCCC Secretariat
Description: The main objective of the event is to introduce the NBF Project and exchange views the project,including its added value when developing national climate finance strategies, and the existing complementarities when developing and implementing goals outlined in their nationally determined contribution.
How Can Governments Use National Systems to Respond to UNFCCC Transparency and Accountability Demands?
When: Saturday, December 8, 11:30–13:00
Where: Development and Climate Days 2018, Hotel Diament Arsenal Palace
Session organizers: IIED, GIZ, ICCCAD
Description: This session will investigate how investing in existing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) mechanisms can be a more efficient basis for understanding national progress toward adaptation and how drawing from existing country examples can help countries assess adaptation progress in M&E capacities, resources and understanding of robust methods to measure all dimensions of adaptation.
How Can We Develop New and Support Existing Strategies for Scaling up Public and Private Sector Financing for Climate-Smart Development?
When: Saturday, December 8, 14:00–15:30
Where: Development and Climate Days 2018, Hotel Diament Arsenal Palace
Session organizers: IDRC, GRP, IIED
Progress and Prospects: The implementation challenge of adaptation within the Paris Agreement
When: Monday, December 10, 11:30–13:00
Where: Narew
Organizer: GIZ / World Federation of Engineering Organizations event
Description: This side event looks at the status of the implementation of adaptation in the context of the Paris Agreement. By presenting promising country experiences and innovative tools, we will discuss new approaches to how to further advance and meet the implementation challenge of adaptation successfully.
NAP Global Network at Gender Day
When: Tuesday, December 11, 12:00–18:00 (marketplace); 13:45–14:15 (debate)
Where: Climate Action Hub
Organizer: UN Climate Change Secretariat
Description: The NAP Global Network will be hosting a booth in the marketplace all day and will also be hosting a lively debate on the challenges and opportunities related to integrating gender considerations in NAP processes, followed by an interactive discussion with the audience.
The Global Adaptation Goal and the Importance of Gender Transformative Resilience Finance
When: Tuesday, December 11, 16:45-18:15
Where: Bieszczady
Organizer: CARE International and the Centre for Science and Environment
Description: This side event will explore opportunities to scale-up efforts to close the global adaptation funding gap while helping women and girls devote more time to activities—such as education, paid work, political and public participation—that fulfill a range of development priorities. It will also provide an opportunity to share lessons from emerging partnerships, mechanisms and approaches for supporting women and their communities in the race for resilience.
Launch of Fiji’s First National Adaptation Plan
When: Wednesday, December 12, 9:30–10:30
Where: Pacific & Koronivia Pavilion
Organizer: The Fijian Government
Description: With support from the NAP Global Network, the Fijian Government created this NAP document to set out its long-term ambitions for building Fiji’s resilience to climate change. The NAP provides a clear vision for adaptation and identifies priorities to be addressed in partnership with academic institutions, development partners and private sector entities over the next five years, and beyond. Please join us in celebrating this achievement and learning more about this NAP document.
NAP Champions Event
When: Wednesday, December 12, 13:15–14:45
Where: Bieszczady Side Event Room 1, Area G
Organized by: The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)
The NAP Champions are the following:
- H.E. Loren Legarda, Senator of the Republic of the Philippines
- H.E. Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa‘Utoikamanu, Undersecretary-General of the United Nations and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, serving in ex-officio capacity.
- Professor Dr. Jae Chun Choe, President of the Biodiversity Foundation and Co-President of Korea Climate Change Center from the Republic of Korea
- Mr. Helmy Abouleish, Chief Executive Officer of the SEKEM Holdings, Egypt
The NAP Champions promote good adaptation practice and support for adaptation through their respective disciplines and spheres of work. They help broaden the scope of adaptation planning under NAPs to promote connectivity with the broader development context and thereby effectively contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The NAP Global Network will be hosting a reception to follow this event.
Representatives of the NAP Global Network Secretariat will be onsite for the duration of the COP. Reach out to info@napglobalnetwork.org if you would like to connect with us.