Open Call for Expressions of Interest: Training on Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in NAP Processes

The NAP Global Network has launched an open call for countries to submit expressions of interest to organize a training on mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion in NAP processes in 2025.

The National Adaptation Plan Global Network (NAP GN) has launched an open call for countries to submit expressions of interest (EOIs) to organize a training workshop on mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in NAP processes in 2025.

This call for EOIs aims to help countries translate their engagement to mainstream GESI in their NAP processes into reality by strengthening the in-country capacities of a diverse range of NAP stakeholders on GESI.

With funding from Global Affairs Canada, support will be available to five developing countries via the NAP Global Network. Countries eligible for this support are listed below.

Why GESI Matters for NAP Processes

Climate change adaptation efforts will not be effective if they fail to address gender and social inequalities. The need to address GESI is captured in both the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. The NAP process presents an important opportunity to advance equity if it is gender-responsive and socially inclusive.

Training Support Offered by the NAP GN

The NAP GN is able to support five countries to organize a 2- to 3-day training workshop for government stakeholders on mainstreaming GESI in NAP processes. The NAP GN will use a training of trainers (TOT) approach and support two people from each country to be better equipped to facilitate this training. In addition to the TOT, a training manual and customizable training materials on “mainstreaming GESI in NAP processes” will be made available to all participants

The NAP GN is proposing to:

  • train 10 people from five different countries — two people per country—so they can use the NAP GN training materials on mainstreaming GESI in NAP processes
  • support those people technically and financially to organize a training workshop for 30 people in their country using these training materials.

How to Apply?

Countries interested in participating in this TOT and organizing a follow-up training are invited to submit their application at by February 28 with the following subject line: “GESI Training.” Applications must include

  • the application form
  • a short letter or email from the NAP focal point confirming that they support this application.

What Are the Criteria for Selection?

  • quality of the application
  • being fluent in English to follow and actively participate in the TOT
  • have at least 3 years of experience working on the intersection of GESI and NAP
  • be able to commit the necessary time to attend the online sessions and prepare for and facilitate the training
  • be able to participate in the in-person TOT session in Bonn
  • be able to organize the GESI in NAP process training (2 to 3 days) in your own country during the July–August period
  • email from the NAP focal point approving the application

Eligible Countries

  • Small Island Developing States
  • least developed countries
  • sub-Saharan African countries

For more details, read the full open call for EOI here.

About the NAP Global Network

The NAP Global Network was created in 2014 to support developing countries in advancing their NAP processes and help accelerate adaptation efforts around the world. To achieve this, the Network facilitates South–South peer learning and exchange, supports national-level action on NAP formulation and implementation, and generates, synthesizes, and shares knowledge. The Network’s members include individual participants from more than 155 countries involved in developing and implementing NAPs. Financial support for the Network has been provided by Austria, Canada, Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Green Climate Fund. The Secretariat is hosted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development. For more information, visit