Analysis and commentary on the Network’s experiences coordinating climate-resilient development.
Analysis and commentary on the Network’s experiences coordinating climate-resilient development.
Julie Dekens (IISD), Blane Harvey (McGill University), Andrea K. Gerlak (University of Arizona), and Tanya Heikkila (University of Colorado Denver)
View Report The effectiveness of climate change adaptation decision making largely depends on how well governments and other actors embed deliberate learning into the policy process. Indeed, research shows that learning does not happen automatically—it needs to be created and nurtured. In the new report Integrating Learning in the National Adaptation Plan Process, Julie Dekens […]
By Patrick Guerdat, Policy Advisor, NAP Global Network, International Institute for Sustainable Development
How do we know if National Adaptation Plans (NAP) are making a dent in reducing vulnerability? NAP progress reports play a critical role in assessing a country’s climate change preparedness and advising on next steps. They consolidate the information gathered from monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) activities and encourage countries to continuously learn, adapt, and improve on their climate change adaptation efforts.
How Kenyan communities are working toward drought-resilient livelihoods through the national adaptation plan process
Kenyan communities are responding to the hardships of drought through a diverse range of strategies to establish climate-resilient livelihoods—restoring irrigation canals, taking on new farming techniques, and building water pans.
Par Mesmin Tchindjang, enseignant et expert en adaptation aux changements climatiques
en prévision de la prochaine mise à jour du PNA, le Cameroun a entrepris une analyse technique avec le soutien du Réseau mondial de PNA en vue d’éclairer la création d’un système de suivi, d’évaluation et d’apprentissage d’adaptation.
By Arthur R.M. Becker, Project Officer, NAP Technical Lead, Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia
Liberia’s NAP Technical Lead, Arthur R.M. Becker, outlines the challenges and lessons in process of developing and implementing the country’s National Adaptation Plan.
By Jeffrey Qi and Emilie Beauchamp
Under the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), countries have the option to report on climate change impacts and share information on adaptation efforts. As many countries are preparing their first Biennial Transparency Report (BTR), the NAP Global Network answers some common questions on how to prepare the adaptation chapter of the BTR and how they can leverage the outputs and results of the National Adaptation Plan processes.
By Emilie Beauchamp, Lead, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for Adaptation to Climate Change, NAP Global Network, IISD
Monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems are used to provide a structured approach to monitoring progress, evaluating results, and learning to ensure climate change adaptation strategies are effectively achieving their intended outcomes. This blog builds on what the NAP Global Network has learned about effective NAP processes to identify and explain the basics of a MEL system as part of NAP processes.
How three communities in Grenada are implementing the national climate change adaptation plan
The tri-island state of Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique has made meaningful progress on building resilience to cope with the impacts of climate change. This article explores how three Grenadian communities have reduced their climate vulnerability and built resilience by implementing country’s National Adaptation Plan.
By Julie Dekens, Principal Researcher, NAP Global Network, IISD
Explore the four key avenues that countries should use to strengthen the links between their national Climate Risk Assessments and the evaluation of National Adaptation Plan processes.
Coral gardeners in Saint Lucia are working together to save reefs from the devastating effects of climate change through a flagship project under the island’s National Adaptation Plan.