What We Heard From the Global Stocktake’s First Technical Dialogue on Adaptation

By Jeffrey Qi, Policy Analyst II, International Institute for Sustainable Development

June’s Bonn Climate Change Conference started an important part of the inaugural 2-year Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement. What did participants say about climate change adaptation during the Global Stocktake’s first Technical Dialogue, and what does it mean for global adaptation ambition?

A Great Year for National Adaptation Planning and the Network to Watch in 2022

View the story A Great Year for National Adaptation Planningand the Network to Watch in 2022 By Catherine Burge, IISD Photo: Winnipeg, Matthew TenBruggencate, IISD. Photo: Winnipeg, Matthew TenBruggencate, IISD. A new sense of urgency for climate action is being felt all around the world. We spent the year watching climate disasters cause heartbreaking scenes […]