Building Peace Through the National Adaptation Plan Process in Central African Republic

A high-level dialogue event in Bangui reinforced the government’s commitment to implementing Central African Republic’s National Adaptation Plan to ensure sustainable development and long-term peace.

A high-level dialogue event in Bangui reinforced the government’s commitment to implementing Central African Republic’s NAP to ensure sustainable development and long-term peace 

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE | Le Sénégal accueille sept pays pour un événement d’apprentissage entre pairs concernant les plans nationaux d’adaptation

Libérer le plein potentiel des évaluations des risques et des vulnérabilités dans les plans d'adaptation aux changements climatiques

Des acteurs gouvernementaux à l’avant-garde des processus de plans nationaux d’adaptation (PNA) au Bénin, au Burkina Faso, au Ghana, au Lesotho, au Liban, au Sénégal, en Somalie et au Togo se réuniront à Dakar (Sénégal) du 21 au 23 février pour apprendre à améliorer l’efficacité et la précision de leurs activités d’adaptation aux changements climatiques au moyen des évaluations des risques et des vulnérabilités (ERV).

PRESS RELEASE | Senegal hosts a peer learning event on National Adaptation Plans for eight countries

Unlocking the full potential of risk and vulnerability assessments in climate change adaptation plans

Government actors leading NAP processes in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Lebanon, Lesotho, Senegal and Togo will meet in Dakar, Senegal, from February 21–23 to learn how to increase the efficiency and accuracy of their climate change adaptation operations with risk and vulnerability assessments (RVAs).

Haïti a soumis son plan national d’adaptation

Le PNA d’Haïti vise à aider le pays à contrer les effets à long terme des changements climatiques, à renforcer la résilience aux risques climatiques et à développer ses capacités d’adaptation.

Haiti Submitted Its National Adaptation Plan

Haiti’s NAP aims to help the country be in a position to address the long-term effects of climate change, build resilience to climate-related risks, and build adaptive capacity.

COP27 | Multilevel Governance as a Catalyst for Adaptation Finance at the Local Level

Representatives from Africa and Latin America shared their diverse experience with local adaptation planning and implementation in this side event.

This event showcased lessons learned and best practices in creating strategic links to NAP processes that present an opportunity to establish mechanisms for channeling finance to local levels.

COP27 | Accelerating Action for a Climate-resilient Future Through National Adaptation Plans

This side event showcased concrete experiences in, and best practices from, countries when devising, implementing, and monitoring their NAPs.

Check out the highlights of the first NAP Global Network side event at COP27. This session showcased concrete experiences in, and best practices from, countries when devising, implementing, and monitoring their NAPs.