Gender-Responsive Adaptation in Peru

Interview with Ivonne Yupanqui Valderrama, Peru, on integrating gender into the National Adaptation Plan process.

In February 2018, the Government of the Republic of Fiji and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network co-hosted workshops to emphasize why gender needs to be integrated into climate change planning and action. Angie Dazé from the International Institute for Sustainable Development and Maritza Ivonne Yupanqui Valderrama—Director General of Peru’s Department of Gender Mainstreaming […]

Gender-Responsive Adaptation in Peru

Interview with Ivonne Yupanqui Valderrama, Peru, on integrating gender into the National Adaptation Plan process. View the story Gender-Responsive Adaptation in Peru Interview with Ivonne Yupanqui Valderrama, Peru, on integrating gender into the National Adaptation Plan process. March 5, 2018 NADI, FIJI – In conversations about climate change, gender is not always considered. In February […]

Fiji Adapts

By Clare Church, IISD

Climate adaptation specialists from across the globe gather to share lessons in Nadi Fiji Adapts

Fiji Adapts

Climate specialists from across the globe gather to share lessons about resilience and climate adaptation View the story Introduction Background Fiji Meteorological Services Droughts and Floods Legalega Research Station Looking Forward Fiji Adapts Climate specialists from across the globe gather to share lessons about resilience and climate adaptation By Clare Church, IISDFebruary 15, 2018 NADI, […]

Fiji Hosts International Forum on Adapting to Climate Change

NADI—Specialists from more than 20 countries meet in Fiji this week to share lessons for preparing for climate change impacts. The international forum, co-hosted by the Government of the Republic of Fiji and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network, will bring together representatives from countries that are developing and implementing plans to adapt to […]

From the Bottom Up: Key lessons learned from Senegal’s NAP process

By Dr. Khady Sané Diouf and Ms. Fatou Thiaw, COMFISH

In October 2017, the NAP Global Network invited Dr. Khady Sané Diouf (Project Director) and Ms. Fatou Thiaw (Climate Change Officer)—representatives from the Collaborative Management for a Sustainable Fisheries Future in Senegal (COMFISH) initiative—to share their experience on Senegal’s NAP process during a regional meeting organized in Lomé, Togo. Senegal is taking a sectoral approach […]

COP 23: Moving the conversation on gender and climate change adaptation forward

by Angie Dazé and Julie Dekens, IISD

The first United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Gender Action Plan (GAP), developed under the Lima work program on gender, was adopted at COP 23 to help UNFCCC parties implement gender-related decisions and mandates under the UNFCCC process. The (draft) decision includes a commitment to gender balance, participation and women’s leadership and gender-responsive […]

Financing Adaptation: How governments can engage the private sector in NAP processes

COP 23 Event Highlight

As public sector finance alone will not be enough to finance NAP processes, there is increasing recognition of the need to engage the private sector in financing adaptation. The NAP Global Network recently held a side event on the role of governments in engaging the private sector to finance NAP processes in the German Development […]

How Can Local-to-National Links Make NAP Processes More Inclusive?

COP 23 Event Highlight

For the last 15 years, Development and Climate Days has brought together delegates during the middle weekend on the sidelines of the Conference of Parties (COP), the UN’s climate change conference, to discuss key issues related to climate change and sustainable development. This year, the NAP Global Network was a contributing partner to the event, […]